1994 UK Official Charts Number Two Hits SURVIVOR (Round 1 - Vote to SAVE) (1 Viewer)

Vote for your favourites to SAVE

  • Red Dragon with Brian and Tony Gold - Compliments on Your Kiss (3rd September)

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Jan 18, 2016

As 2024 draws near its' end, we've still got just enough time to squeeze in one more Number Two Hits Survivor! Shall we?

For this one, we are going back 30 years in time exactly, where 15 songs came close but just fell short of reaching the top spot of the UK charts. Tonight, they start another go at achieving triumph, as they go up against eachother to compete in a race to reach the Final showdown and a chance at being No. 1!

Firstly, it's time to start the process by whittling down the number of contenders. In this opening round, you can vote to SAVE UP TO 8 SONGS you most want to KEEP ON in the game. Cast your votes now!
Omg the return of these have been long overdue :disco:

Queen Toni needs to win! But I think it’ll be Ace Of Base beating Kylie in the final..
@Three French Haikus in this relaunch, for the more obscure songs is there any chance of adding the YouTube videos as an aide memoire? I admit I often just don't vote for songs I can't remember :shy: No worries if it's too much work though! I could look them up myself but iguanas are notoriously lazy (?)
The Sign truly is sublime in every way.

The new documentary on them seems a bit rotten (had no idea they were seemingly hated in Sweden - I'll have to PM Raspbro somewhere on the matter). Ulf presumably had enough of them at this point.

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