21. BEN HOWARD - Nicre Libres At Dusk
I love it cause: I love Ben Howard, and this is as sonically pleasing as he possibly gets. Probably losing my audience now, especially as Ben has gone less and less commercial with every passing album, and his third album, which this was the closing track on, was only really loved by his core and still avid fanbase. I could have just left it out, but I really do truly love this song. He's reflecting on something, who knows what the fuck, but as usual it's all about the music, and the symphony of sounds he creates with his band. He's honestly a genius. In case ANYONE is remotely interested I've thrown in a live version to really showcase what makes his music shine - his band really does create the most stunning sounds and moods. I had a moment to this watching the sunset in Palma in 2018 and it has stayed with me ever since. I love when music can do that.