ABBA - Super Trouper Sync Listen (1 Viewer)

For an attempt at a rock song, I've always felt that Benny's synth backing track sounds a bit too much like incidental music from Chucklevision or something.
But really, what about

Over in the corner
I could see this other guy
He was kinda flirty
He was giving me the eye
So I took advantage
Of the fact that I'm a star
Shook my hair and took
A casual stroll up to the bar

:disco: to infinity
this verse SLAYS

I knew sure as hell this guy was comin' up to ME
He said WHO AM I and WHO ARE YOU and WHO are WE!

very artpop. this is one of my favourite of their album tracks for sure.

10 Super Trouper
10 The Winner Takes it All
09 On and On and On
We really ought to do a Carl Magnus Palm commentary. If only I could find my version of the book :(
I adore Andante Andante. I understand the comparisons of Bumblebee to Fernando, but this feels like a more natural bedfellow to me.
We really ought to do a Carl Magnus Palm commentary. If only I could find my version of the book :(
I invested in the revised version a few months back to study up for @dUb 's podcast. I think I've glanced at it twice.
This is one of the ABBA songs I completely overlooked when I was younger but it is really gorgeous.

Both girls definitely put in some of their best ever vocal turns on this album.
Could Andante, Andante have been a single? It does have that Fernando/Chiquita- y vibe
It was in Argentina and El Salvador. I'm not sure of the release schedule without checking in terms of the possibility of it being a 4th single from the album, but I certainly don't think it should have replaced any of those that were released.
I love the whole Me And I lyrics.

But I do find Agnetha a little shrill in the chorus.
I love the whole Me And I lyrics.

But I do find Agnetha a little shrill in the chorus.
Mind you, I'm not always sure when it is Agnetha - sometimes the higher vocal is Frida's falsetto, I think...
we're in a nice mid-album groove at this point although these last couple aren't my faves. Me and I feels to me way more indicative of the sound to come on The Visitors and Under Attack.

10 Super Trouper
10 The Winner Takes it All
09 On and On and On
08 Andante, Andante
08 Me and I
I'm such a sucker for 70's/80's early computerised "futuristic" vocals and that whole synthy sound that came with it. There's not a bad song that features it! PROVE ME WRONG. (Don't actually please)
I ADORE how utterly bleak Happy New Year is. And it gets wheeled out at parties!
Weakest spot on the album for me.

Always big in the 'Stans on iTunes at New Year. Nobody else other than Scandinavia seems bothered.
Maybe because it's the 12th Jan and I'm still regaling from a rather heavy New Year but I have these vibes right now.


I've never seen this video before! Ag really should have cleaned up before going to bed. That's the secret for feeling at least slightly better about yourself the next day.

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