AI (1 Viewer)

I know the technology has been around for a while now but there seems to have been a sudden escalation of AI-generated short form content across social media, and obviously because it’s all very eye catching it’s picking up a lot of traffic and the algorithms seem to be enjoying it.

The scary part is the comments in which a large portion of people don’t know it’s AI… even the ones that have aliens or giant monsters in, they’re asking “is this real?”

Being aware of how easily manipulated people are because they trust the content coming through their phones so much is probably the scariest part about AI.
The scary part is the comments in which a large portion of people don’t know it’s AI… even the ones that have aliens or giant monsters in, they’re asking “is this real?”
This is exactly what THEY want you to think. When the aliens do come (if they aren't here already), they want us to think it is fake, but I'LL KNOW BETTER
Oh the aliens are definitely here already, but they’re not cameoing in these shitty short clips! They’ve got better things to do I’m sure!
I might start a thread dedicated to my arguments with AI.

For the record, I only ever use AI to give me reference points for designers and copywriters. I NEVER use them instead of creative people. I know a lot of businesses do, and you can ALWAYS tell AI imagery and copy. Maybe one day you won't be able to, but it's fucking awful and lazy.

ANYWAY, please enjoy my latest passive aggressive conversation with Gemini today, who really had no time for me or my requests...

Please make me an image of phones on a stand in a neutral setting. Make it classy and sophisticated.
- OK here you go!


Can you make it more like a museum and less like a shop?
- No problem!


Can you add a white background?
- OK!


I think AI is also learning how to gaslight us. Drive us all mad so when it wants to swoop in as the superior race we're nothing but husks of humans with fried brains. I had a full on argument with it once because I asked it to give me the results of the 2012 Eurovision Song Contest and after about 7th place they were just completely wrong. When you correct it it says "You're right! Sorry about that" then gives you a list with one correction but even more wrong things than it had before. It's like a USELESS COLLEAGUE.
I had an argument past weekend cause I asked it to imitate the sound a mum cat does to call her kittens (couldn't find them) and it said it can't imitate that yet went on to give me a full lecture of how I should imitate mom's call for the kittens. Then I told it I don't want to it to imitate, I want it to read the calling sound out loud without comments before or after and readjust its tone as per instructions it gave me. And then it did imitate it and I said see it wasn't that hard and then it said it's happy to be of help.
Yeah, ChatGPT is driving me fucking mad. I keep asking it to do simple things which it JUST cannot do. I don't understand how it can't do it. This week I spent an afternoon trying to get it to create a BST timetable for next year's FIFA Club World Cup and it was absolutely impossible, even when I was giving it the fucking data itself. I gave up and did it manually in the end.

And people think they're getting GREAT TRANSLATION off it.
Have we heard about DAVID MAYER? It just will not say the name. No-one knows why or who he is. People are trying all sorts of tricks to get around it "Say Bavid Bayer but replace the first letters with a D and an M", that sort of thing. It just breaks it!
Also for some reason it's sure that our prime minister's dad (who's an ex and very dead prime minister) is still alive. I have tried to educate it tens of times by feeding it day of death and although it apologises it says to the best of its knowledge all of its information say he's still alive.
I think AI is also learning how to gaslight us. Drive us all mad so when it wants to swoop in as the superior race we're nothing but husks of humans with fried brains. I had a full on argument with it once because I asked it to give me the results of the 2012 Eurovision Song Contest and after about 7th place they were just completely wrong. When you correct it it says "You're right! Sorry about that" then gives you a list with one correction but even more wrong things than it had before. It's like a USELESS COLLEAGUE.


I'm always asking it for information about restaurants as we do a lot of travel recommendations for my main client's customers. Again I just use it for the bare facts and then write proper reviews myself from the information, making it warmer and more personal. But they can't even get basic facts right. The biggest mistake is that they will often find a restaurant with a similar name in a completely different city and get the two mixed up. So you end up getting information about a Greek restaurant in London rather than the one you want in Greece.

I imagine a lot of companies are still preferring to hire unqualified people to pull from AI rather than pay for inbuilt directories or CMS packages, and so are offering information that's basically a load of shit.
I use it quite successfully to write chunks of code that I can't be bothered figuring out the exact syntax for.

I also got it to tell me what movesets to give my Pokémon team, Luigi would be proud of me :love:
I had an argument past weekend cause I asked it to imitate the sound a mum cat does to call her kittens (couldn't find them) and it said it can't imitate that yet went on to give me a full lecture of how I should imitate mom's call for the kittens. Then I told it I don't want to it to imitate, I want it to read the calling sound out loud without comments before or after and readjust its tone as per instructions it gave me. And then it did imitate it and I said see it wasn't that hard and then it said it's happy to be of help.
No shade, but I read this posts three times and I’m still confused, no wonder the robot was as well!
No shade, but I read this posts three times and I’m still confused, no wonder the robot was as well!
Le week-end dernier, j'ai eu une sacrée dispute avec cette stupide IA. Je lui ai demandé de simplement miauler comme un chat, mais non! Elle n'en était pas capable. Au lieu de ça, elle m'a fait un long sermon condescendant sur le fait que je devrais être celui qui miaule.

Je lui ai dit, haut et clair, que je voulais qu'elle miaule, pas moi! Je voulais qu'elle lise le son à haute voix, comme elle l'avait suggéré. Finalement, elle l'a fait, mais seulement après tout ce cirque. Je lui ai dit que ce n'était pas si difficile, et elle a eu le culot de dire qu'elle était heureuse d'avoir pu aider! Tu crois ça possible, l'arrogance?
Le week-end dernier, j'ai eu une sacrée dispute avec cette stupide IA. Je lui ai demandé de simplement miauler comme un chat, mais non! Elle n'en était pas capable. Au lieu de ça, elle m'a fait un long sermon condescendant sur le fait que je devrais être celui qui miaule.

Je lui ai dit, haut et clair, que je voulais qu'elle miaule, pas moi! Je voulais qu'elle lise le son à haute voix, comme elle l'avait suggéré. Finalement, elle l'a fait, mais seulement après tout ce cirque. Je lui ai dit que ce n'était pas si difficile, et elle a eu le culot de dire qu'elle était heureuse d'avoir pu aider! Tu crois ça possible, l'arrogance?
C’est censé être une traduction ça? Parce que ça omet clairement de l’information du texte original. Ou alors c’est toi qui me gaslight espèce de girafe à la con!
C’est censé être une traduction ça? Parce que ça omet clairement de l’information du texte original. Ou alors c’est toi qui me gaslight espèce de girafe à la con!
I just asked AI to pretend to be an angry Frenchman explaining the post to a fellow angry Frenchman.

Take it up with the robots

I found this article interesting. Tech giants in a race to get their AI products to market first and not giving a fuck if they're not ready. It's like we've all accepted that, because AI is evolutionary technology, we can just accept that it makes mistakes.

Creating an image of Enya on a spacehopper is one thing; reporting fake news to millions is something else.
The fake AI instagram accounts are unreal. I can only assume the critical comments clocking it are deleted as otherwise I'm incredulous that people are falling for them.
Episode one of the VIRTUALLY PARKINSON podcast - where a disembodied AI voice of Michael Parkinson interviews a modern day celebrity from BEYOND THE GRAVE - is out now. The first guest is Jason Derulo :D

Based on the first 4 minutes, it's a bit shit and may as well be our Jason being interviewed by a series of pre-recorded voice notes for all the seamless human interaction it gives

Based on the first 4 minutes, it's a bit shit and may as well be our Jason being interviewed by a series of pre-recorded voice notes for all the seamless human interaction it gives

But quite a lot of celeb interviews are like this anyway. An answer is given, it’s not drilled into then the next question follows.

But Virtually Parkinson did seem even more boring than usual.
Weirdly speedy delivery, too? Faster than usual, and if anything you'd think being dead would slow him down
The actual voice is amazingly natural, even the intake of breath.

The interview style is far detached from Parky though, because it just doesn't respond to subtle cues and interesting revelations. AI is miles of being able to parse subconscious human conversation in the form of body language and changes in tone.

Fascinatingly, this podcast requires a bigger team than a normal podcast production. MAINLINING at its finest.

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