Alison Moyet - Key (1 Viewer)

I don't remember the original versions but I enjoyed Fire and Tongue Tied. And More, which I liked anyway, is the source of the podcast theme in its new form!
5 or 6 listens in now, and I only just realised this :goodgrief:
Initial impressions of this record is that although it is long for sure it works better as a body of work than as standalone tracks.

Much of it feels new to me as I only really started listening to Alison beyond the well known singles from ‘Hometime’ onwards.
I really do think Can't Say It Like I Mean It is an astonishing piece of work. Emotionally devastating.
Charts at #8.

I’d have expected sales of something like this to be extremely front-loaded and weak on Streaming, so I’m pleasantly surprised she only dropped one place from the first midweek.

Maybe the SUNNY PERSONALITY she’s demonstrated on the podcast has won her a new generation of fans…
I think it's a personality that resonates, apart from anything else.
I don’t know about that (the new fans) but her podcasts prompted me to order the album which I hadn’t planned to.
Reacting to the news, Alison Moyet tells Official Charts:

"'What’s your gran up to?'...'Ah, y’know. She’s up them charts.'

"Unpredictable and consequently utterly delightful. I won’t stay long, but I’m very grateful for the welcome. It’s a lovely place!"

I enjoyed the Key Moyet Moments commentary. It was interesting to hear the care that had gone into the new arrangements. The producer speaking so specifically about the process got a better contribution from Alison, she certainly sounded happier for the most part.
Yes, I enjoyed him particularly - and that he seemed to draw more focus from her.
In a surprise twist Alison left the house for an interview. Haven’t listened to it yet so unlikely to be anything too new here but here it is (*warning: contains Chris Evans).

Pleased to hear today how much she still rates Changeling. It would be one of tracks competing for my favourite by her.
She’s been called out again for the large amount of TERF and frequently TERF sympathetic accounts she follows. :bruised:

On the one hand I do agree that if she’s not spreading any hate herself, it feels a bit witch hunt-y to go through her follows to shame her.

On the other, that list of follows really does speak for itself… :(
“Reasons I’ve mostly forgotten”

Considering these accounts tweet NOTHING ELSE but harassment and abuse about trans people, I doubt it was for their funny anecdotes about their pets!
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This has been called out here before, so isn't anything new.

Unless she shares, spreads or spews hate herself, I'm choosing to assume she isn't a TERF. But yes, that list concerns me - particularly the accounts which seemingly serve no purpose other than spewing hate.
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Generally speaking I'm not going to condemn someone for being a TERF or anything else based on who they follow on social media, I base it on what they are projecting themselves. Not that I do it, but I believe it is possible to follow content that you don’t necessarily agree with in terms of keeping informed about all aspects of a debate, not that I’m advocating anyone’s existence or rights is a debate but this is the situation currently.
It also depends how hot she is on sorting out her follows, which I assume not very. I'm still following Leanne Wood and Natalie Smith back from the 2010 election but wouldn't say I'm Plaid Cymru supporter either...
It’s not like any of these people are known for anything other than being TERFs though. These are specialised people and accounts.

It’s not a JK situation where people might still follow her from her HP or progressive days.
I'm missing the Moyet Moments podcast :(

I rested the album for a couple of weeks or so, after hammering it pretty relentlessly initially. But I've returned to it today, and I do think it is a huge success.

The only real failure for me remains Filigree. For most of the other tracks, even if I prefer the original versions (and that's probably a minority), I at the very least appreciate them in the context of a cohesive sound on a new album.

Sadly I don't think The Impervious Me is up to scratch in comparison with the rest of the album, but at least I'm relieved to hear on either the podcast or the Moyet Moments version of the album that it isn't actually a brand new track, but one originally written for Other (I think?) that for whatever reason was discarded. So if she does work with Guy Sigsworth again, hopefully she can pull off another album as great as the minutes or Other again.
Queen of Joyet Moyet strikes again :basil:

Stage door advice - it's a long tour and Alison says she's not as young as she used to be. She will be legging it in and out of shows so please don't wait outside in the cold. She says "she'll only have a right face on her!" x

At least she's being upfront about it.

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