Belarus 2021: DISQUALIFIED! (1 Viewer)

Anyway I believe this thread should be LOCKED and this entry not discussed, as a firm statement against regimes that stitch up their elections, murder their own citizens, and then send terrible songs that are not even worth ironically stanning to the Eurovision Song Contest :hitler:
Has there been an official ANNONCEMENT about them being dumped yet? Gracious, what a giddy eurowhirl today has been
I hope there’s more SIZZLING HOT TAMBOURINE ACTION on the new song they almost certainly won’t send after they withdraw in a temper
Belarus' President/Despot Alexander Lukashenko has weighed in personally and declared that they won't withdraw, and will find another song.

So that'll be totally apolitical then. :)

I do love that the only people who take Eurovision more seriously than gay men are possibly closeted gay dictators.
I care not whether Belarus are IN or NOT considering the artist proposed, but did we ever find out what THIS hotly rumoured non-contestant was all about..?
Was it just some PLOY for ATTENTION via the bizarre channel of pretending to represent Belarus at Eurovision..? :D


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