“Yeah so obviously Big Brother was a massive part of my life, it was my favourite thing in the world to do. For the last 5 years I’ve been very vocal saying it should come back. In my eyes it was and still is the best reality show out there. Yeah in my book I didn’t know what was going on and I said very much I hope I am part of it, and I thought naively and stupidly to a point… I’ve been there 6, 7 years… and I mean, you know my house, I’ve got a diary room built in my house, I love the show so much, and I just sillily presumed I’d be asked back. Then I knew I wasn’t going back, it didn’t transpire to be. I’m good friends with Emma and I could also be one of those people that sits there now and says yeah this is what I wanted [a fresh start for the show], but it wasn’t what I wanted. I would’ve gone back to Big Brother in a heartbreak. It was quite difficult actually, because I didn’t find out until everyone else found out, but, I genuinely hand on heart wish everyone well, because I’ve wanted that show to come back for a long time. From a personal point of view, I was devastated. I married a housemate, divorced a housemate, it was my life! It is [exciting to have it back], who knows what will happen”