Big Brother: Week 1 (1 Viewer)

I hadn’t worked out where the interview was to start with on catch up. If anyone is wondering it’s on the Late and Live show!
Also… sorry for so many posts, anyone know if they’re doing two evictions a week seeing as it’s only 6 weeks?
I think Paul and Zak are both FIT AS, but impacted terribly by the godawful tattoos. Why scrawl shite over a beautiful canvas, lads

I've just caught up on last night's and Farida has crossed over in to being outright deranged in my book, now. Her comments re: the age stuff and the way she interacted with everyone after the noms were crackers and pretty uncomfortable. Supermassive nails it with the 'toxic positivity' comment. Kerry's horrid though so I hope she's off next week if that doesn't change, and I agree that her exit interview would have been vile.

I love AJ and Will, and most of the housemates. The eviction show made me realise how pointless it all is, but the nightly shows have been a good little watch this week.
Zak is really quite PERFECT looking, I can’t quite comprehend it. Someone at work has worked with him in the past and assured me he’s LOVELY which is a relief.
Yeah Zak is both better looking and generally seems a better person than Paul. Thought needs to brush up on his geography.
Zak is the king of ASOS, you only have to browse a few items in the men section and you'll see him. Every time I see him on screen I just think he must own a lot of freebie clothes.
I think I'm on the eviction episode. I think Farida will go, but I'd much tather Kerry was first out. However, in an ideal world they'd both stay as their campaigns against each other is the best thing about this so far.
Having just caught up with the last couple of eps on series record and not giving a toss about Late and Live, it was pretty jarring to go from the end of Thursday’s episode with not even a mention of nominations, to Friday’s when suddenly it’s a live show, Kerry and Farida are up for eviction and they’ve had half a million votes. It felt like I’d missed an episode and I hope that was just a first week thing!

Anyway Farida is absolutely toxic and deluded… fantastic television. I know how unpleasant Kerry has been but I can’t say in all honesty I wouldn’t have acted the same way really.

Will be interesting to get reacquainted with the rest of the housemates tonight after those two dominating the last couple of days.

Are they going to try and whip us through two whole days of action tonight? I see the episode is still only an hour.
I'm assuming they'll go light on tasks for Friday and Saturday so there isn't so much to cover.
I'm assuming they'll go light on tasks for Friday and Saturday so there isn't so much to cover.
I’d like to hope the option to extend the show by 15 minutes like they did on Friday is available to them for the rest of the series if there’s enough drama to cover.

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