Big Brother: Week 3 (1 Viewer)

OK, Paul can go to hell, I can't stomach him.

I know I should but Kerry isn't getting my votes if he is up for eviction.
Paul is really becoming dreadful - hoping he's up for eviction this week, and think it's very possible to be him vs Trish.
I think nominations are going to be wild this week

Paul the only definite up

Yes, Kerry has wisely kept a fairly low profile after the chanting and may get away with it. Trish is in the mix and I can see Noky being in danger as well. Also, are they going to forget all their complaints about Henry and Jordan's laziness last week?
Shut up Kerry.

And I hate how Paul is making nice with Olivia while trying to paint Noky as the villain of the piece.
Yes, Kerry has wisely kept a fairly low profile after the chanting and may get away with it. Trish is in the mix and I can see Noky being in danger as well. Also, are they going to forget all their complaints about Henry and Jordan's laziness last week?

So much going on!!

I think Dylan is very likely. Rubbing several people up the wrong way
Kerry is still annoying as fuck. I'm trying to work out what it is I find so annoying about her that allowed me and others to like Nikki and Jade and even Gemma Collins. And I think it's just that she feels like she is purposely imitating them.
Why do they not just go to another room as soon as someone wants to go to bed? I really can't get my head round that and I'm a complete night owl.
I predict Trish and Paul will be up as well, and one of Kerry/Noky/Hallie if it's 3 or 4 nominees this week.
Yinrun has broken a rule and been punished, her nomination(s) are voided which has affected the final nominations! :o
Hang on... so Hallie and Olivia have to sit in a stupid box for a couple of hours when they break the rules but Yinrun's nominations are void?! Ridiculous.
Oh Yinrun... I must admit that last night when they showed her talking to Trish I got the fear and was willing her to talk about something else.

This obviously is not going to affect the result in a good way either.
I fear some wickedness is afoot and Yinrun nominated Kerry and Hallie, and these shenanigans will keep them IN the house.
I fear some wickedness is afoot and Yinrun nominated Kerry and Hallie, and these shenanigans will keep them IN the house.

The best we can hope for is Yinrun's nominations being voided just means more people are up for eviction. And not Kerry and Hallie escaping the public vote again.
This thread’s a right barrel of laughs for people who don’t read the spoilers.

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