Big Brother: Week 3 (1 Viewer)

Is Hallie getting a good edit for duty of care reasons, or has she just started being pleasant off the back of the nom?
Is Hallie getting a good edit for duty of care reasons, or has she just started being pleasant off the back of the nom?

She does seem to have been on best behaviour. Dylan on the other hand they haven't been shy about showing as a miserable git.

I wonder whether the sad Kerry episode will have any impact on potential chants tomorrow. On the Late and Live poll the other night she stormed the vote for non-nominated housemate you wish was up.
Trish is favourite to go with the bookies, as expected. It's so unfair being a black woman in these shows. She could shit rainbows and public would see her as 'aggressive'.
The Vinted party was the first time the show has felt really “produced” to me. Yawn.
Trish is favourite to go with the bookies, as expected. It's so unfair being a black woman in these shows. She could shit rainbows and public would see her as 'aggressive'.

Though every poll I've seen on Twitter makes it a two-horse race between Hallie and Dylan so WHO FUCKING KNOWS any more?
I refuse to listen to one more of Jordan and Matty’s tense cryptic conversations.

I hope Dylan goes as the ugly sister and wicked stepmother are giving much more content.
Loud cheers for Hallie and Trish, mix of cheers and boos for Dylan.

Hopefully reflective of tonight's outcome.
After two days of dithering I have finally committed to three for Dylan and two Hallie.
Dylan is really showing a less positive side now the last couple of days. He really needs to get over the food stuff.
I'm preparing myself for the worst. I've been disappointed both weeks so far, so I'm still fully ready for a Trish eviction.

I'll believe Dylan is going when I see it...

Though tbh I'd much rather see: Paul, Tom, Kerry, Matty, Henry go over any of these three.
MASSIVE BEES. This is the television we come for.

Trish looks jittery. It looks like all the nominees are getting their story diary room moment.
This is really going into a sob story vibe for everyone today isn't it. We'll get Hallie's too.
Kerry knows exactly what a butt plug is. She's trying to play Jade Goody now.
That butt plug / Kerry sex chat really made me LOL

I much prefer the silly little low stakes moments and comedy chats to any of the aggro this series.

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