Books you've read in 2024 (1 Viewer)

Jennifer Lopez is producing a Netflix series based on it, I have just read.
I just read OLD GOD'S TIME by Sebastian Barry

God he's good at this writing lark

All that's left in the pile now is THE MIRROR AND THE LIGHT and I'm not sure I can even LIFT THAT UP never mind read it before the TV ADAPTATION ROLLS ROUND :wired:

I've been walking a lot this week and blasting through some books.

All Down Darkness Wide by Seán Hewitt - beautiful, lyrical memoir that I was resistant to at first because it felt like a parody of what I tend to enjoy. Then I gave in.

The Bird in the Bamboo Cage by Hazel Gaynor- historical fiction about a school occupied during Japanese control of China, leading to internment. Quite gripping, though a little corny at times.

Wild Houses by Colin Barrett - this was excellent.

The Coast Road by Alan Murrin - And this was even better. Small town novel set against the backdrop of the upcoming referendum on divorce in Ireland. I flew through this.
I completed the audiobook of The Ministry of Time, which I enjoyed greatly, although I would have preferred the action and excitement to have started a bit earlier in the book.

I am very much looking forward to the 6 part BBC adaptation that I believe is coming next year.
various reviews have convinced me I need to read this

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a playwright invites her father to see her new play only for him to find out the ageing philanderer of the story is... him. think I'll dive in tonight :disco:

Is that based on the Ab Fab episode "Small Opening"?
The Bee Sting was wonderful.

About to finish How to Build a Boat by Elaine Feeney. A nice combination of beautiful and infuriating.

I am now starting this book, which I have been excited about for months.
First book I've finished in ages. Considering the topic, it's quite charming

My next book club book is Goodbye to Berlin and I am so excited to reread it and prep the discussion questions and handout and do a Cabaret movie night. :disco:
That BOB MORTIMER book is now being RESERVED for dates in AUGUST 2026 in my ONLINE LIBRARY. Not that I particularly want to read it, but if I did I think I'd just BUY IT rather than QUEUE FOR TWO YEARS

Just finished Donna Tartt’s The Little Friend

A Secret History and The Goldfinch were two of my very favourite books in my twenties. I don’t know if it’s this book or I’ve simply outgrown her but my God, this one was a SLOG.
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Just finished Donna Tartt’s The Little Friend

A Secret History and The Goldfinch were two of my very favourite books in my twenties. I don’t know if it’s this book or I’ve simply outgrown her but my God, this one was a SLOG.
I’ve only read The Little Friend. I can remember very little about it other than it was a weighty tome. I’ve had A Secret History on my ‘to read’ list for years, but I’m put off by the size. I’ve yet to hear of someone who didn’t say it was brilliant though.
I really liked The Little Friend, but I hated most of The Goldfinch. I still don't know how I managed to read the whole thing.

I recently finished Colored Television by Danzy Senna and really enjoyed it. Just started Crossroads by Jonathan Franzen, which is already so much better than Purity.
I listened to this on audible and it is of course hilarious. Mostly for the narration where Boy George actually cracks himself up most of the time.

Has anyone read OUR EVENINGS? I would but I don't think I can stick another one where OUR GREY BEARDED HERO ends up SHACKED UP WITH A MUCH YOUNGER MAN which I get the impression is going to turn out to be the case
Not yet, but it’s on the list. I’m currently reading the new Julian Clary - it’s quite good!
Has anyone read OUR EVENINGS? I would but I don't think I can stick another one where OUR GREY BEARDED HERO ends up SHACKED UP WITH A MUCH YOUNGER MAN which I get the impression is going to turn out to be the case
Not yet!
I've also got the new Ocean Vuong to look forward to
Girls I'm trying to set up a MASS BOOK PURCHASE and Waterstones are confusing me by filing CLOSE TO HOME by MICHAEL MAGEE under LGBetc. It's not though is it? Not that that means I won't read it or anything
I LOVE Cleanness. And What Belongs to You.

Haven't gotten through Small Rain yet because I'm lazy but thus far it is really great too.

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