Breakaway DEAD (1 Viewer)

As for mint flavoured snacks, I wish Viscounts were more readily available.
Chocolate biscuit snack rank (entirely based on where my local supermarket groups them together)

1. Tunnocks caramel wafers
2. Rocky Bars
3. Clubs
4. Penguins
5. Kitkats
6. Snack!
7. Wagon Wheels
8. Time out
9. Gold bars
10. Breakaway
11. Blue Riband
The best thing about a toffee crisp was that our sweet shop used to put all the out of date chocolate together into a mincer with a few toffee crisps and call it “toffee crumble”, which you bought by the ounce and which was the only thing in the shop with a handwritten label on the jar.
This would get you a £100k investment on The Apprentice

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