Captain Sir Tom Moore DEAD (1 Viewer)

Timed BBC announcement and everything, like a member of the Royal Family.
Captain SIR Tom, to you.

How disrespectful.

Being one of Indie's Deathlist picks has a worse safety record than the oil rigs.
I have nothing against him, but the hero adoration of an old well off white man earning money for a government funded institution did grate on me somewhat.

But kudos for achieving multiple life goals in the last 12 months of a long life. That said his Blankety Blank appearance does suggest he may have peaked in the 1980s.
How was your Cyprus trip?
When did I go to Cyprus? :D

I did go to Greece although that was back in the summer when we were out of lockdown and the government said it was safe to do so :)
Was he on said Barbados trip? Judging by his massive home they could probably have afforded it, that said who was looking after those charity funds? :eyes:
Have any other no.1 acts died within a year of hitting no.1?

God we need @Eileen back.

It makes him a perfect one-hit wonder. One No 1 and no other chart entries (let's face it, there isn't going to be an album of blues numbers in the can, we're not in an Eva Cassidy situation here).
I shan't speak ill of the dead and he obviously did seem like a lovely old chap, but everything I've seen and heard of the immediate family (including those lovely holiday snaps) does give GRASPING CUNT vibes.

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