Cher - Christmas (1 Viewer)

I'm pleasantly surprised this is doing well, even if I suspect the title was focus grouped to accidentally pick up some voice-activated streaming coins (I'm sure some A&R gay suggested calling it Alexa Play a Christmas Song before being exiled to the corridor outside). I hope 2024 will be a year where more songs that sound like outtakes from Living Proof scale the charts.
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where did the SINGAL end up.

That's great for the album too. Entering at 40 something in November then doing its job up to the top 10 :disco:
I gave the album another listen this afternoon. To be fair a few skippable songs are to be expected on festive albums, and this is not an exception, but a good portion of it is very enjoyable. I do like Christmas Ain't Christmas Without You quite a lot and she sounds in good voice on This Will Be Our Year.

Completely agree that an expanded reissue next year with a few more original bangers in the DJ mode would be the ticket.
I have an appointment in town tomorrow and just know that I’ll crack and buy the magazine/CD combo if it’s in the HMV nearby.
I have an appointment in town tomorrow and just know that I’ll crack and buy the magazine/CD combo if it’s in the HMV nearby.

Can you post scans or steady-handed pictures of it all if you do please?

Coincidentally, I should be doing my one and done Christmas wrapping shopping tomorrow, so should probably not be such a cheapskate.
I’ve been listening to DJPACS for the last week non-stop and it’s not showing in my On Repeat on Spotify so I think this is a FIX to stop Cher reaching number 1. 😡
I've paid dust to some really good songs on this album. I Like Christmas is gorge (more enthusiastic than the title suggests, the giggle at the end :disco:), the Stevie Wonder song is a heartwarming joy, Angels obviously a slapper. easily the best Christmas album since Kelly's second one, she did a fucking great job.
Lowkey disappointed that Cher didn't release 'Alexa, Play a Christmas Song' as an Amazon exclusive single this year. :square:
Nice coincidence :laugh: (earlier I was singing DJ Play A Christmas Song haha, and Believe which was on the radio earlier :disco:)
I like how there's a 2024 remaster for the 2023 song. :D

I would very much like this to get #1 around Christmas 😍 higher than #18 on the UK charts last year anyway. 😊

the vocals are really well recorded and they sound great together. need to return to the original before I can say if this TOPS IT (underneath the tree :horny:)
I really hope its (mostly organic) success last year gets it high on some playlists this year and she can actually get a decent sized hit out of it again. I fear it may be hidden down and have a One More Sleep style trajectory, but hopefully this version will see it through.
oh I'm sure Kelly's famed streaming power will do the business
I think last years promotion worked wonders, though hard to gauge that. But it’s quite striking as a song (I.e. high camp gay energy) compared to most popular Christmas songs, and I think that will serve it well in the long run in finding its place.
It deserves a prominent placing on playlists this year anyway, based on managing to break through despite its relatively poor playlist placing last year. Wasn't it pretty much ignored on the major lists until a week or two before Christmas when Spotify shunted it up to about 30th or something on their main list? I'd hope that and good will alone may be enough to see it favoured this year, but releasing this new version should hopefully make it more attractive to whoever curates those lists.

Cher having an enduring Christmas hit just feels right.

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