Cher Lloyd Returns To Music (1 Viewer)

We know it's not a drill, we're just running away from you.
Was just thinking the other day how much I love Sirens
'Sirens' was lovely, there were a handful of really good songs on the first album, and she has a nice voice when she actually gets to sing, but her hits were mostly migraine-inducing.
I Want You Back was fun, with all the angry GRRR! noises and suchlike.

It would be funny if she came back with a heavily experimental electronic album, one that made Bjork sound like Meghan Trainor.
Run Away Snow White GIF
I hope everyone's cleared the schedules, this should be taking the first 5 spots on NMF at least, and she better do a One Show perf from their OUTSIDE LOBBY AREA
I hope everyone's cleared the schedules, this should be taking the first 5 spots on NMF at least, and she better do a One Show perf from their OUTSIDE LOBBY AREA

I hope there’s an all-staff announcement to everyone at the BBC that they have to stop what they’re doing and watch the performance from their office windows.

And of course drag poor unwitting shoppers out of Boots and H&M to stand behind the barriers and wave banners

Only fitting for something so MAJOR

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