Oh god I have such a sweet tooth :shy: I could eat gummy sweets like (vegetarian) haribo all day. M&S do an amazing veggie range but now even Lidl and Aldi are coming up. And then I had this dark orange and almond chocolate from lidl recently andhad to go back to get more :o
Sweets: anything and everything fizzy and sour. I have stopped looking if it contains PIG HOOF and just eat it all. Its a dirty secret.

Chocolate: All of it, not a bar I dont like. Dark Chocolate bounty? Yeah sound, I’d happily eat it.
I have nil interest in sweets. Do NOTHING for me

Chocolate, I’ll eat anything really. Particularly fond of anything with nuts in.
I don’t like chewy sweets. If I’m having a go on the Woolworths pick n mix it’ll be those little pink and white candy mice taking up 90% of the space in my bag.

If you held a gun to my head and forced me to choose a favourite chocolate bar, I’d have to say all of them except Curly Wurly.
Funnily enough I've just polished off one of those Dairy Milk bars with the popping candy in.

Not exactly diet friendly, but I've done nearly 24k steps today, so fuck you.
It’s Christmas soon, so looking forward to eating my body weight in Lindt balls and mini Daim bars.

I don't get the appeal of Lindt ball things personally, but Mr L loves them, so I'll always get a small mixup sack at some outlet place in November and stuff his advent calendar full of them.

I do love those square chocolate wafers they do, though.
With Christmas approaching, I'll have to keep an eye out in Lidl for their chocolate florentines. They are incredible.
I’ve heard there’s new flavours out and about this year. Irish Cream was one.
I never had a sweet tooth for traditional sweets (always chocolate for me) but as I get older I have developed an almost problematic addiction to wine gums. I have to limit myself to a treat once in a while. The whole bag gets devoured in one go.

My other guilty pleasure is giant strawbs :disco:

As I'm typing this my mouth is actually watering
I went to the BonBon in New York (Swedish sweets) and it was so good. I wanted it to be overrated but it wasn’t
I would call any dessert a sweet, but in terms of sugar candy, I like anything sour and also Swedish fish.

The Swedish fish knockoffs I get are called Scandinavian Swimmers which I love
I like fudge, but usually only from the Rolys on the Isle of Wight
I love sour candy too. Fizzy laces are a thing here (not sure / can't remember if they have them in the US) and they're amazing!

Not a fan of gumballs or gobstoppers or anything like that though. Always of the jelly sweet variety. Wine gums and strawbs are very tangy so I definitely have a type.

Mouth watering again.
I don't get the appeal of Lindt ball things personally, but Mr L loves them, so I'll always get a small mixup sack at some outlet place in November and stuff his advent calendar full of them.

I do love those square chocolate wafers they do, though.
We always go and buy a load at christmas as a family and the bit I like most is seeing how many I can eat in the shop while were doing it
SAY which flavour you like and I'll have it for you

Seriously though
I have a terrible sweet tooth
Let's start with these shall we


Also LOL at the 7 sweet serving suggestion. I can easily eat a whole bag in one go.
Yeah that can fuck off.

Implying you can share them or writing 'love to share' on it is one (ridiculous) thing. But only having seven? Ludicrous.
I'll eat a sweet if it is sent my way but agree it is all about chocolate. White chocolate is not my favourite, so I generally eat anything containing white chocolate first.

I love a box or three of M&S cherry liqueurs at Christmas, even though they don't seem to be quite as consistently delicious as they used to be. I also prefer their Swiss truffle balls (especially the dark ones) to the Lindor.
Are people capable of just leaving a share bag and picking up the rest a few days later?

Anyways Malteasers (fridged) are fantastic.
Roly's fudge. Obviously.

Also, chocolate and haribo.

To be honest, anything sweet. I crave it.

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