Ron Jr got all excited about Mr Beast's 'chocolate' so our mates who live in the US brought him a load over. He didn't finish any of it. :D
They even change the recipe for Mars and Cadbury's... WHY?

The only way to describe the taste and consistency of Hershey's is BILE. That taste you get when you're a little bit sick in your mouth... that's Hershey's.
Excuse me WHAT NOW?
Oh that actually sounds OK! I was picturing like a Caesar salad with chunks of Dairy Milk in or something.
They even change the recipe for Mars and Cadbury's... WHY?

The only way to describe the taste and consistency of Hershey's is BILE. That taste you get when you're a little bit sick in your mouth... that's Hershey's.
There is a specific reason for this. When Hershey's first started up, with the United States being so huge, they had to find a way to ensure the chocolate could cover long distances. The formula they finally ended up with involved intentionally spoiling the milk slightly (without making it unsafe to eat). As a result you ended up with this weird tangy chocolate, which became the flavour Americans associate with chocolate. So while they have since changed the process, they retain that flavour because it is what over there are used to.
I honestly am not really a 'sweets' person - i'd always pick a starter over a dessert during a two course meal - but when I started thinking about it, there are *rather a lot* of sweets I like,

Chocolate-wise, it's all about texture - I love Wispa (and Aero to a lesser extent), Twirl, those Lindt BALLS. Fruit and Nut is pretty good. And a Toffee Crisp - lovely.

For sweets - I favour a jelly tot and (unpopular opinion) a fruit gum over a fruit pastille or a wine gum. Not much of a Haribo fan other than the giant strawberries. For pick and mix, I love cola bottles and strawberry laces.
I love all of the jelly sweets except the Vegan ones (the texture is just wrong) and all of the chocolate except Lindt. I never eat chews though (Starburst/Chewits/Drumstick lolly) due to teeth coming out with them.

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