David Lynch DEAD (1 Viewer)

Notable deaths never come in two's.

Are the BBC newsreaders wearing black?
It was one of those super close, lingering hugs along with the “oh I do hope we get to work together more closely soon” creepy uncle type vibe. She worked in film marketing and was part of a team assigned to plan the marketing around the release of Inland Empire. She was only just 23. Mind you, his new wife at the time was only 27/28. I see they divorced last year.
His films are so spectacularly singular, I don't think I've ever been bored by one. Not even Lost Highway.

The highs are ridiculously high. Eraserhead, Blue Velvet, Wild At Heart and Mulholland Drive are some of my favourite film experiences ever.
I can't believe he's dead and also that I've just learned he had a recurring role on The Cleveland Show. Not even American Dad. The Cleveland Show.
I love Wild At Heart so much.

A true original & a great artist. Every Lynch film has a feel to it that's uniquely his.

"Mulholland Drive" is one of my all-time favourite films, but as @Christian mentions, there's something good to be found in all of his work, although I did find "Inland Empire" an incoherent struggle.

I wonder when, or if, a director like Lynch will appear in Hollywood again. Nobody quite like him.
Lost Highway was simultaneously incredibly unnerving and total bollocks.
I can’t believe the last thing he ever made will be that monkey film on Netflix.
Watching clips from a Lynch film out of context really doesn't give you the measure of how unsettling and disturbing the films are.

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