Similar to Madge, no real interest nowadays, but certainly liked her in the 90s and up until about 2009. Albeit not to the same extent as Madonna.
Personality wise, again don’t really care. The diva stuff is fun I guess, though it can be a bit much. But I don’t really pay any attention to that kind of stuff anyway.
She has meant a lot to me over the course of my life. I resonate with her less on a personal level over the last few years. I suppose Christmas Queen is not my favourite flavour, but the music, and Butterly in particular, and that imperial era voice. She was absolutely exceptional. And that just radiates Aries energy. It's just... *twirls*
Not very invested in her personality, she seems to run the whole kooky, self-aware personality to the ground. I love her music, I'd love to see her live although if I could travel back in time I would die if I could experience her live vocals at her peak era in the '90s.
Will always make time to see Mariah on most things. I only own about 5 albums and can’t think of many after the 90s that I’d actively choose to listen to. But, she seems like a sweetheart with a sense of humour about herself and rarely disappoints.