So many of my friends play this, although I never have.
I know one of them wears a HORNED HELMET while playing (I have had it confirmed that she was not, in fact, at the storming of the Capitol building) so maybe look into getting props![]()
I like the idea of this in theory, but the one time I seriously tried it ended up being quite a miserable experience. Basically it was all done online over voice chat (this was pre-Covid) and it was a group of people that didn't know each other THAT well - well two of my friends were in it, and the three of us knew the DM quite well, but the other two people were basically strangers. We tried to make it work for a few weeks before abandoning itI think if I ever try again it'll be in-person only, and preferably with a group who already have a good connection with one another.
You're skipping MELFEST to play DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS?
Screw COVID, I'm jumping on a train right now to stage an emergency intervention.
I don’t really have a choice - I was thinking about maybe killing my character off really early - @COB is this possible??
I can’t do open ended board games. I will only agree to a game of monopoly when someone sets a limit of times around the board.That being said...I'm really not sure the open-endedness of it was for me. I know there are set rules, but they are VAST and open and for someone who likes board games with reasonably clear objectives and boundaries, it was probably too much!
Just say your character is going off on a secret quest that takes place in a neighbouring kingdom and lasts approximately 90 minutes (45 if Jessica goes out in the first round of voting)
This is part of the problem I had with it, at least the way they did it in the group I played with. It's sort of half on-the-fly improv/creative writing challenge (creating your character's backstory and responding appropriately to events), and half detective game where you have to make notes about clues and stuff. You really have to be properly engaged with it - I think if it CLICKS it can be great fun, but it never did for meso this is today and I’ve only just looked up what this is about really and I thought it was a game where you would move pieces or at least fight people online, but apparently it’s all acting and role-playing?? And I couldn’t be bothered to do my homework so I made HerSereneHighness do mine for me and now I don’t even know my backstory. Apparently I’m some ELF and something about crystals?
It might be! But you might have an evil DM who has you become a ghost or something so you have to hang aroundI don’t really have a choice - I was thinking about maybe killing my character off really early - @COB is this possible??
Pretty muchI’m going to practice. “be gone fair maiden, för I must now ride into the valley of the kingdom of orks. Doesth thou know wherest Jessica Andersson placed in her heat of the trufflesnatchers? For if she be banished, then on this earth I shall no longer live”
Is it like that @COB
Alas, I did not. I think I would be open to playing again but in person rather than online. I think the thing I found the most frustrating was playing with people who were so cautious - I’m chaotic good/evil and prefer just action ASAP.So tonight I was dressed as a dwarf and having a wonderful time as I actually killed a Dragon for the first time in my 5 years of playing this game.
Did you ever play it again @Suomi?
It definitely helps when your party are on a similar wave length. The one I'm in now is very much attack first ask questions later and it's fun.Alas, I did not. I think I would be open to playing again but in person rather than online. I think the thing I found the most frustrating was playing with people who were so cautious - I’m chaotic good/evil and prefer just action ASAP.