Far right UK racist riots (1 Viewer)

I know they have to be ~balanced~ but the BBC keep doing this thing where they're like "some people deny they are far right. There are families there."

I think if your idea of a family day out is bringing the kids to pelt bricks at a mosque, you're probably BEYOND FAR RIGHT.
The BBC are beyond redemption. They need to learn that 'balance' isn't someone with a demonstrably valid point and someone else just saying no to it.
"Come on kids, let's go and see the hotel burn down! No, you can't have sparklers. And put this balaclava on, we can't have the cops clocking your face".
Can the army get involved in this? It doesn't seem like the police are able to get a handle on it, so maybe they need back up.
Gary Lineker proven absolutely, 100%, right on the fucking money then.
Can the army get involved in this? It doesn't seem like the police are able to get a handle on it, so maybe they need back up.
The risk is that it would be seen as an escalation by the government. They want to de-escalate this.
Nothing says keeping the children safe, like bringing your toddler to a violent riot, and staying there.

The risk is that it would be seen as an escalation by the government. They want to de-escalate this.
Ah I see. I mean that makes sense, but it doesn't seem to be working 🤔

We must seem like an absolute laughing stock and disgrace in the media to other countries.
We must seem like an absolute laughing stock and disgrace in the media to other countries.
Yes, but that's just because it's not currently happening in their country.

The disillusionment and anger from all sides is widespread across the world (the west in particular). There is a genuine sense that much of what we once relied on is getting further and further out of reach. There either has been or will be similar events in most countries in the recent past/ future.

But yes I believe there is a narrative internationally that the UK is on the decline.
This has been horrible. Worse when I chat to local friends from ethnic minorities and hear how they're suddenly scared to go for a walk.

Scarier yet is that it's being framed on one side here as the first times the tricolour and union jack have flown side by side in a united front.

And then conversely you have people who keep declaring it a loyalist/unionist protest and can't see that there may god forbid be a dark side to Irish nationalism.
Hate to share this shit...

Weymouth this evening.

Still so sure it won't happen on the Island, @Rachey? They seem emboldened everywhere right now.
Infamously all "the donations" go directly to him for coke and holidays.

It could be quite funny that all his nazi minions are being utterly scammed. Talk about a false idol.
Infamously all "the donations" go directly to him for coke and holidays.

It could be quite funny that all his nazi minions are being utterly scammed. Talk about a false idol.
I'd be interested to know the exact extent to which he understands what he's doing. He does seem really quite thick but I dunno how much of it is an act. I think he might be the dictionary definition of a 'useful idiot'.
Weymouth this evening.

Still so sure it won't happen on the Island, @Rachey? They seem emboldened everywhere right now.
I mean I can't say 100% it won't happen. But if it does, it'll be on the smallest scale, maybe 20 drunk men causing a scene, the police saying to stop and then they go to the pub. But I'll definitely keep an eye out.

Surprised by Weymouth!
Are there counter groups of non-cunts out fighting back? I normally wouldn’t condone that but if it led to a few nazis and their vile families being accidentally killed, blinded or paralysed I’m all for it.
It angers me to see people I've worked with and quite liked sharing propaganda.

Yes, there are horrible, horrible people at the forefront, but there are also a lot of people who have been caught up in disinformation and panic and fear. I'd hope that it'd be clear that someone is on the wrong side by the men in Nazi garb beside them, but evidently not.
Is that tweet from Fox sufficient to charge him with incitement to riot, or whatever the criminal act is?

And if not, why?
Free speech until I don't like it. Typical of the odious little shit. Would very much like to see Billie Eilish running over him with a JCB.
Are there counter groups of non-cunts out fighting back? I normally wouldn’t condone that but if it led to a few nazis and their vile families being accidentally killed, blinded or paralysed I’m all for it.

It seems to be strongest in cities like Manchester and Bristol obvs, but I did love that a load of punks at a music festival in Blackpool gave them a good hiding too.
The trouble with fighting fire with fire is that you can end up with two fires.

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