First & last Enya record you bought (1 Viewer)


Substitute For Love
Feb 18, 2023
My Sanctuary
Let’s honour all our divas this Christmas with physical sales and threads dedicated to them

The original Enya one from 1986 and Watermark, 1988 are now the latest ones I've bought. 😊💿🎼
I ordered a new Shepherd Moons CD 💙🪄 and Amarantine (the starry edition with 2 CDs hopefully 🌌)
Quite sure I'll have all of Enya's studio albums by the end of the year 🤩
To be fair I suspect Enya finds the idea of records or CDs or vinyls all rather ALIEN and THREATENING

She would much prefer her fans consume her music in the way it was intended - a live chorus performed by whimsical woodland creatures.

If one is really determined to own physical media, she MIGHT on a generous day deign to have a falcon deliver a tapestry printed with lyrics (in Loxian)

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