Food heaven & hell (1 Viewer)

Feb 3, 2004
Tell me Mopsters
In the tradition of BBC's Saturday Morning Kitchen

What is your food heaven and your food hell?

I'd like to know

My worst dish and probably the only dish I would never eat or cook intentionally is Fasolada, this white bean soup with tomato, carrots, onion, celery etc.


I pretty much like everything else 🤷‍♂️
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My worst dish and probably the only dish I would never eat or cook intentionally is Fasolada, this white bean soup with tomato, carrots, onion, celery etc.


I pretty much like everything else 🤷‍♂️

Our version of this is a big favourite of mine.

It's possibly easier to list what I dislike.

Liquorice, liver, jellied eel, kale (any leafy shit that gets stuck in your teeth really), popcorn, raisins and cucumber.
Heaven is difficult because I love all sorts but basically put me in a good Indian restaurant and I'm happy.

Hell... I've never eaten it but the smell of tuna knocks me sick, and I really hated roast beef growing up. So dry and chewy and bitty. VILE.
My food heaven at the moment is anything to do with Thai food

Food hell - always and forever - meringue :vomit:
Things that I refused to eat before but have come to accept and sometimes even love at an old age: carrot, cauliflower, green peas, haricots verts/green beans?, aubergine, zucchini, jam, marmelade… and nowadays even sweet corn is tolerable.

Few things remain: dates, persimmon, coffee, liquorice
Heaven: impossible to choose one, but I have to go with this national delicacy that i hope you all manage to taste at least one: SALMOREJO, we talked about it before but never enough. Also y you avoid the spanish jam and boiled egg on top (I wouldn't) it's a vegan dish, so anyone can have it.


HELL: I don't think there is any "normal" food I truly detest, but I'll go with snails, didn't eat them in many years and they don't appeal to me anymore.

I’ll try anything once, but the only foods I really dislike are eggplant (aubergine), celery, and blueberries
The dairy milk with bits of mini eggs is back in the shop and honestly it’s my crack. I swallow whole bars in seconds, no self control around them, so so much pleasure.

Oh god, as a total mini egg devotee I thought the bar was RUBBISH.

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