I think I have listened to this album ONCE since I bought it so it will be like listening to it for the first time…
05 Passion – Geru trying to do a song from Chicago is a rather STRANGE opener for an album. I don’t MIND it but it’s hardly groundbreaking. Sort of reminds me of those old school ballads on Kylie’s Enjoy Yourself album. A rather FLAT start…
07 Desire - The song that basically KILLED Geru’s career isn’t actually THAT bad. I think it was more her TERRIBLE antics in the video really. Not QUITE single material but nice enough
11 Love Never Loved Me – Literally my FAVOURITE Geru song EVER. Everything about it is just
, the dramatic intro, the heartbreaking lyrics, the dreamy backing vocals…. I will NEVER forgive her for not releasing this as a single. What was she thinking? If anyone gives this LESS than a TEN they are DEAD TO ME!
07 Feel The Fear – Geri has a LOT of these average ballads on her albums, doesn’t she? This one starts off dull, it does build nicely though, with the key change, but is that kiddie backing vocals? Hmmm…Overall, not bad.
05 Superstar – This all seems a little but KIDDIE POP, she seems too OLD to be singing lyrics like this. Not sure I like the production either on this, and the chorus isn’t all that.
06 Surrender Your Groove – You can definitely tell this is the same writers as Desire. It’s not quite as good, but it’s not terrible either. It doesn’t really go anywhere, sadly.
07 Ride It (Single Version) – It had been quite a while since we’d heard from Geru when this came out, and it was fabulous to hear from her again. I like this but I don’t LOVE it but it gains an extra point for the HILARUOUS but DREADFUL video!
07 There's Always Tomorrow – Geru tries her hand at lounge music, surprisingly, it’s rather nice, but the chorus is not really strong enough. Lovely backing vocals though and I’m a bit of a sucker for a guitar solo…
07 Let Me Love You More – Oh I like the intro to this. It’s a good follow on to the previous song, in a similar style. This would easily have fitted on Kym Marsh’s solo album. Nice effort.
08 Don't Get Any Better – The chorus to this is STRONG! I am surprised how much I liked this one
06 Loving Me Back To Life – My God, the NOX on this one!
Another average Geri ballad that doesn’t really go anywhere, but isn’t bad enough to warrant any hate…
06 So I Give Up On Love – So we are back to the same style of music as the opening track and it sounds VERY familiar. Definitely could be in a musical somewhere, she sounds really happy on this one, and her voice sort of suits it. Though I don’t think she’d be able to sing LIVE on stage in a musical every night.
TOTAL SCORE is 82/120 which is 6.83/10 so that’s a final score of SEVEN for me. That IS rather generous. Apart from Love Never Loved Me, there’s not anything I’d really rush to listen to again in a hurry, but overall the album is nowhere near as bad as I had remembered.
The problem with this album is that it is very disjointed, each of the different producers had a different sound in mind. She would have been better working with just one or two instead of the SIX she worked with on this album…