Geri - Rainbow Woman (1 Viewer)

Well it made no sense, but it wasn't completely awful, just utterly pointless without her own Marry The Night or Born This Way kicking (and screaming) into gear at the end.

I hope Mel B was howling.
She's on The One Show tomorrow talking about this - at the end of tonight's episode they showed a particularly STUPID looking photo of her in Liz I garb :D
I seen she uploaded something about a hill and all I could think of was "climb that mountain Geri" as a follow up to "hug that tree Geri".
I AM LIVING for the D*nD*N Facebook group having a meltdown over this. Did they expect something serious from this woman? She's just another BORED has been with a shit ton of money funding a vanity project while there's another reunion.
She does appear to be using this to put that leaked album from last year into the world.

'lyric video' for Man on The Mountain (actually just 2 minutes of her blabbing over it, but that's our Geri!)

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This supposed album is over 5 years old, is she seriously releasing it now? Everything so far sounds like Mel B's kitchen album!
I've got a lung full of air, a heart full of love,
A bag full of ket, and I hope it's enough
I’m far too busy to watch it but please don’t say that she ends up taking Mr Pony in hand as ‘t were :(
And no I've not yet found the will to watch this. As if I'm giving up 4 minutes entertainment slot for this goodwill destroyer.
I don't have much to say about that video. It's like it's part of a documentary. I don't get what she's trying to do here.
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I’ve watched the pony one and, if you watch closely, letters flash up throughout the video which read I’M A TIT when put together

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You can see the lyrics but you can’t really hear them
She really is just Val Cherish with a bunch of students as her crew (unless it really is Bareback Madge and George Michael Jr, which was the whole point of having them in the first place). I'll bet their faces must be priceless filming this rubbish.

Hang on, she has a SECOND CHILD?

Someone’s not being paying attention :)



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