Girls Aloud SINGLES RATE 2020! (1 Viewer)

Aug 3, 2009
In honour of DAME SARAH and the TERRIBLE NEWS around her health, let's rate the singles of GA and their SOLO CAREERS :disco:

00 "Sound of the Underground"
00 "No Good Advice"
00 "Life Got Cold"
00 "Jump"
00 "The Show"
00 "Love Machine"
00 "I'll Stand by You"
00 "Wake Me Up"
00 "Long Hot Summer"
00 "Biology"
00 "See the Day"
00 "Whole Lotta History"
00 "Something Kinda Ooooh"
00 "I Think We're Alone Now"
00 "Walk This Way"
00 "Sexy! No No No..."
00 "Call the Shots"
00 "Can't Speak French"
00 "The Promise"
00 "The Loving Kind"
00 "Untouchable"
00 "On the Metro"
00 "Something New"
00 "Beautiful 'Cause You Love Me"


00 "Heartbreaker" (with
00 "Fight for This Love"
00 "3 Words"
00 "Parachute"
00 "Promise This"
00 "The Flood"
00 "Call My Name"
00 "Under the Sun"
00 "Crazy Stupid Love" (featuring Tinie Tempah)
00 "I Don't Care"
00 "Only Human"
00 "Love Made Me Do It"
00 "Let You"


00 "Beat of My Drum"
00 "Lucky Day"
00 "Yo-Yo"


00 "Insatiable"
00 "Sweetest High"
00 "I Could Be"
00 "Go to Work"
00 "Fool for Love"
00 "All That I Know"


00 "Everybody Dance"
00 "Like U Like" (with Aggro Santos)
00 "One Day I'll Fly Away"


00 "Threads"

I didn't realise the Sarah discography was SO LIMITED and therefore appears a little ripe for the MOCKING, however I'm not taking it back. It took a whole FIVE MINUTES!
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Were there no remixes for Threads? I'll still rate it higher than Kimberly, but it's not exactly easy on the ears.
I'm not sure I even know it. Apparently it was removed from streaming services this year.
Can we skip the solo guff? I am *not* putting myself through those Nadine singles again in the name of research...
Can we skip the solo guff? I am *not* putting myself through those Nadine singles again in the name of research...
As you wish. I don’t know them either. This was just meant to a lil reminder of the glory days in response to the news.
I'll be using this as inspiration before I buckle up and do this:

09 "Sound of the Underground"
08 "No Good Advice"
07 "Life Got Cold"
07 "Jump"
10 "The Show"
10 "Love Machine"
08 "I'll Stand by You"
10 "Wake Me Up"
10 "Long Hot Summer"
10 "Biology"
06 "See the Day"
10 "Whole Lotta History"
10 "Something Kinda Ooooh"
09 "I Think We're Alone Now"
05 "Walk This Way"
10 "Sexy! No No No..."
10 "Call the Shots"
09 "Can't Speak French"
10 "The Promise"
10 "The Loving Kind"
10 "Untouchable"
10 "On the Metro"
11 "Something New"
04 "Beautiful 'Cause You Love Me"


06 "Heartbreaker" (with
10 "Fight for This Love"
09 "3 Words"
09 "Parachute"
07 "Promise This"
07 "The Flood"
10 "Call My Name"
06 "Under the Sun"
08 "Crazy Stupid Love" (featuring Tinie Tempah)
10 "I Don't Care"
05 "Only Human"
06 "Love Made Me Do It"
06 "Let You"


10 "Beat of My Drum"
09 "Lucky Day"
08 "Yo-Yo"


06 "Insatiable"
05 "Sweetest High"
?? "I Could Be"
05 "Go to Work"
05 "Fool for Love"
?? "All That I Know"


?? "Everybody Dance"
06 "Like U Like" (with Aggro Santos)
06 "One Day I'll Fly Away"


05 "Threads"
On The Metro should absolutely not be included when Memory of You isn’t and then WHEN DO YOU STOP?

10 "Sound of the Underground"
10 "No Good Advice"
09 “Life Got Cold"
06 “Jump"
10 "The Show"
10 "Love Machine"
05 “I'll Stand by You"
10 “Wake Me Up"
09 "Long Hot Summer"
10 “Biology"
05 “See the Day"
10 “Whole Lotta History"
10 “Something Kinda Ooooh"
03 “I Think We're Alone Now"
03 “Walk This Way"
10 "Sexy! No No No..."
10 “Call the Shots"
10 “Can't Speak French"
08 “The Promise"
10 “The Loving Kind"
11 "Untouchable"
10 “On the Metro"
10 "Something New"
00 "Beautiful 'Cause You Love Me"


07 “Heartbreaker" (with
10 " Fight for This Love"
10 "3 Words"
10 "Parachute"
08 "Promise This"
06 “The Flood"
07 Call My Name"
06 "Under the Sun"
05 “Crazy Stupid Love" (featuring Tinie Tempah)
08 "I Don't Care"
06 “Only Human"
07 “Love Made Me Do It"
?? "Let You"


07 “Beat of My Drum"
08 "Lucky Day"
10 "Yo-Yo"


07 “Insatiable"
?? “Sweetest High"
?? “I Could Be"
06 “Go to Work"
?? "Fool for Love"
?? “All That I Know"


?? "Everybody Dance"
?? “Like U Like" (with Aggro Santos)
03 “One Day I'll Fly Away"


?? “Threads"
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Imagine having a career high piece of ART like Untouchable being your biggest chart disappointment though...

(And I don’t include that final SHITE)
10 "Sound of the Underground"
10 "No Good Advice"
07 "Life Got Cold"
07 "Jump"
06 "The Show"
09 "Love Machine"
04 "I'll Stand by You"
10 "Wake Me Up"
05"Long Hot Summer"
11 "Biology"
00 "See the Day"
11 "Whole Lotta History"
09 "Something Kinda Ooooh"
04 "I Think We're Alone Now"
03 "Walk This Way"
08 "Sexy! No No No..."
10 "Call the Shots"
09 "Can't Speak French"
08 "The Promise"
08 "The Loving Kind"
09 "Untouchable"
11 “On The Metro”
09 “Something New"
00 "Beautiful 'Cause You Love Me"

I’m really no fan of the covers :D


07 "Heartbreaker" (with
10 "Fight for This Love"
08 "3 Words"
07 "Parachute"
10 "Promise This"
05 "The Flood"
08 "Call My Name"
07 "Under the Sun"
06 "Crazy Stupid Love" (featuring Tinie Tempah)
07 "I Don't Care"
05 "Only Human"
08 "Love Made Me Do It"
?? "Let You"


11 "Beat of My Drum"
10 "Lucky Day"
08 "Yo-Yo"


07 "Insatiable"
?? "Sweetest High"
?? "I Could Be"
10 "Go to Work"
?? "Fool for Love"
?? "All That I Know"


?? "Everybody Dance"
?? "Like U Like" (with Aggro Santos)
-1 "One Day I'll Fly Away"


08 "Threads"
09 "Sound of the Underground"
08 "No Good Advice"
06 "Life Got Cold"
09 "Jump"
10 "The Show"
08 "Love Machine"
05 "I'll Stand by You"
08 "Wake Me Up"
08 "Long Hot Summer"
10 "Biology"
06 "See the Day"
05 "Whole Lotta History"
10 "Something Kinda Ooooh"
07 "I Think We're Alone Now"
05 "Walk This Way"
09 "Sexy! No No No..."
10 "Call the Shots"
08 "Can't Speak French"
10 "The Promise"
08 "The Loving Kind"
09 "Untouchable"
08 "On the Metro"
07 "Something New"
05 "Beautiful 'Cause You Love Me"


06 "Heartbreaker" (with
11 "Fight for This Love"
10 "3 Words"
10 "Parachute"
08 "Promise This"
09 "The Flood"
10 "Call My Name"
09 "Under the Sun"
07 "Crazy Stupid Love" (featuring Tinie Tempah)
07 "I Don't Care"
07 "Only Human"
08 "Love Made Me Do It"
10 "Let You"


09 "Beat of My Drum"
08 "Lucky Day"
06 "Yo-Yo"


08 "Insatiable"
05 "Sweetest High"
?? "I Could Be"
05 "Go to Work"
05 "Fool for Love"
05 "All That I Know"


?? "Everybody Dance"
?? "Like U Like" (with Aggro Santos)
04 "One Day I'll Fly Away"


06 "Threads"
They were never my favourite girl band. They were somehow very white and non-London. I didn't really relate. I stan Spice Girls, Eternal and All Saints. But their final two albums were wonderful, and Something New is one of the best pop songs of the last decade. Cheryl was either brilliant or utterly abysmal. I don't know the other girls as soloists.

08 "Sound of the Underground"
08 "No Good Advice"
08 "Life Got Cold"
03 "Jump"
09 "The Show"
08 "Love Machine"
06 "I'll Stand by You"
06 "Wake Me Up"
07 "Long Hot Summer"
10 "Biology"
06 "See the Day"
05 "Whole Lotta History"
08 "Something Kinda Ooooh"
06 "I Think We're Alone Now"
03 "Walk This Way"
07 "Sexy! No No No..."
10 "Call the Shots"
07 "Can't Speak French"
10 "The Promise"
10 "The Loving Kind"
10 "Untouchable"
06 "On the Metro"
16 "Something New"
00 "Beautiful 'Cause You Love Me"


01 "Heartbreaker" (with
08 "Fight for This Love"
10 "3 Words"
03 "Parachute"
08 "Promise This"
00 "The Flood"
16 "Call My Name"
00 "Under the Sun"
00 "Crazy Stupid Love" (featuring Tinie Tempah)
00 "I Don't Care"
00 "Only Human"
00 "Love Made Me Do It"
10 "Let You"


04 "Beat of My Drum"
04 "Lucky Day"
?? "Yo-Yo"


?? "Insatiable"
?? "Sweetest High"
?? "I Could Be"
?? "Go to Work"
?? "Fool for Love"
?? "All That I Know"


?? "Everybody Dance"
?? "Like U Like" (with Aggro Santos)
?? "One Day I'll Fly Away"


?? "Threads"
08 "Sound of the Underground"
08 "No Good Advice"
08 "Life Got Cold"
08 "Jump"
11 "The Show"
08 "Love Machine"
07 "I'll Stand by You"
08 "Wake Me Up"
10 "Long Hot Summer"
10 "Biology"
06 "See the Day"
08 "Whole Lotta History"
08 "Something Kinda Ooooh"
06 "I Think We're Alone Now"
05 "Walk This Way"
10 "Sexy! No No No..."
10 "Call the Shots"
10 "Can't Speak French"
10 "The Promise"
10 "The Loving Kind"
10 "Untouchable"
07 "On the Metro"
09 "Something New"
07 "Beautiful Cause You Love Me"
09 "Memory of You"


04 "Heartbreaker" (with
10 "Fight for This Love"
08 "3 Words"
08 "Parachute"
07 "Promise This"
02 "The Flood"
10 "Call My Name"
09 "Under the Sun"
07 "Crazy Stupid Love" (featuring Tinie Tempah)
10 "I Don't Care"
06 "Only Human"
04 "Love Made Me Do It"
08 "Let You"


08 "Insatiable"
?? "Sweetest High"
?? "I Could Be"
07 "Go to Work"
?? "Fool for Love"
?? "All That I Know"

It's amazing what Xenomania were able to do with Cheryl's vocals. She sounded so much like Nadine that sometimes you couldn't tell them apart. I wasn't super into Girls Aloud for the longest time but at some point I couldn't deny them anymore. The Tangled Up and Out of Control eras (tragic artwork aside) were their peak for sure.

the Ten sessions produced a couple of great songs but you could tell the songwriting magic was waning and they didn't want to be there. Strange also to go with art direction that had them styled like identical dolls when they had developed reasonably distinct styles up until that point. not really the ending they deserved in all honesty.
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I'm having a GA revival evening. I'd forgotten HOW FUCKING GOOD The Loving Kind was. :disco::disco::disco: x1000

At their electropop best they were TOP FUCKING NOTCH.
10 "Sound of the Underground"
09 "No Good Advice"
06 "Life Got Cold"
04 "Jump"
10 "The Show"
07 "Love Machine"
04 "I'll Stand by You"
10 "Wake Me Up"
08 "Long Hot Summer"
07 "Biology"
06 "See the Day"
08 "Whole Lotta History"
10 "Something Kinda Ooooh"
07 "I Think We're Alone Now"
00 "Walk This Way"
06 "Sexy! No No No..."
11 "Call the Shots"
07 "Can't Speak French"
08 "The Promise"
10 "The Loving Kind"
10 "Untouchable"
10 "On the Metro"
10 "Something New"
00 "Beautiful 'Cause You Love Me"


05 "Heartbreaker" (with
09 "Fight for This Love"
08 "3 Words"
04 "Parachute"
06 "Promise This"
08 "The Flood"
10 "Call My Name"
08 "Under the Sun"
06 "Crazy Stupid Love" (featuring Tinie Tempah)
09 "I Don't Care"
06 "Only Human"
06 "Love Made Me Do It"
06 "Let You"


09 "Beat of My Drum"
09 "Lucky Day"
?? "Yo-Yo"


?? "Insatiable"
?? "Sweetest High"
?? "I Could Be"
08 "Go to Work"
?? "Fool for Love"
?? "All That I Know"


?? "Everybody Dance"
07 "Like U Like" (with Aggro Santos)
05 "One Day I'll Fly Away" :disco:


?? "Threads"
Have any artists PEAKED SO HEAVILY at the end? Obviously they started off FAMOUSLY, but they took a few years to FIND THEIR SOUND after that.
09 Sound of the Underground
- the Pulp Fiction extension is on the 10
10 No Good Advice
- their first killer chorus. Graffiti my soul indeed, and wrap it in tinfoil
07 Life Got Cold
- if only it had prompted a war of words with Oasis and resulted in Nicola shouting something embarrassing
10 Jump
- early club defining experience
11 The Show
- I don't think I've ever flipped out as much for a pop song ever since. Perhaps Ooooh or Hung Up matched the hysteria
05 Love Machine
- great bridges, great River Island gowns, but this has always gave way for me
05 I'll Stand by You
- it's weird that as fans many had conditioned ourselves into accepting these as necessary evils, like sticking with some maniac you should have blocked after cancelling on
10 Wake Me Up
- fist fun for days
06 Long Hot Summer
- a stop-gap misfire
10 Biology
- not so much "don't bore us, get to the chorus" as it was the best parts of about 3 or 4 songs stitched together. If only they had taken the same approach and ditched Kimba
04 See the Day
- a really odd choice that just never worked
09 Whole Lotta History
- almost a 10, I don't need to feel Kimba's warm noodle breath in my ear such is the way she sings it
10 Something Kinda Ooooh
- bulletproof
08 I Think We're Alone Now"
- the original sinks deeper than Harding's new cleavage in the video. I love that in the casino, the implication is that if you play your cards right she'll go home with someone else
00 Walk This Way
- an explicit promotional parade rather than war ranting discussion as a single
10 Sexy! No No No...
- The intro to end all intros
10 Call the Shots
- the middle 8 a galaxy of stars
09 Can't Speak French
- Xeonomania's production flair was at its best on this album. The single edit is elevated subtly but immeasurably
06 The Promise
- Loose Women audience friendly, saved by a certain dog walking call
10 The Loving Kind
- Sarah's finest moment, which became her worst on GMTV, which then became her best. The Xmas BHS ad video might just be their best
10 Untouchable
- The original album edit is utter perfection, and the Kelly Llorenna single edit would dislocate the jaws of many a front row agog gays
10 On the Metro
- on the 10. A moment on tour, it should have been a single (the distinction between Nicola's input and Cheryl's couldn't be more drastic). It shouldn't really be here though
10 Something New
- Girls Aloud: fully loaded, a Girls Aloud pop creampie, shooting and shouting from all cylinders
00 Beautiful 'Cause You Love Me


00 Heartbreaker (with
06 Fight for This Love
07 3 Words
05 Parachute
08 Promise This
00 The Flood
10 Call My Name
- her inexplicable and undeniable pop presence is all here, and all the while in a pair of culottes
00 Under the Sun
00 Crazy Stupid Love (featuring Tinie Tempah)
08 I Don't Care
00 Only Human
00 Love Made Me Do It
00 Let You


05 Beat of My Drum
10 Lucky Day
- her best moments were utterly demolishing
06 Yo-Yo


05 Insatiable
07 Sweetest High
- I definitely enjoy the experience of it as a 12/10, but this was fabulous nonsense at best
00 I Could Be
06 Go to Work
- for the TV performances
05 Fool for Love
- the chorus hurts my ears, but it threatens to be much better were it not for her yelling
00 All That I Know


-1 Everybody Dance
-1 Like U Like (with Aggro Santos)
-1 One Day I'll Fly Away

Musical bulimia


05 Threads

Oh bless her, she tried
there can't be many artists (especially in pop) who essentially became the muses of one experimental producer/songwriting team for an entire career spanning five albums and 20+ singles - they really were at the mercy of Xenomania from start to finish, but thankfully during those years (especially 05-08, the clear Xenomania peak) they seriously delivered.
09 "Sound of the Underground"
07 "No Good Advice"
08 "Life Got Cold"
04 "Jump"
06 "The Show"
09 "Love Machine"
05 "I'll Stand by You"
08 "Wake Me Up"
06 "Long Hot Summer"
08 "Biology"
07 "See the Day"
08 "Whole Lotta History"
09 "Something Kinda Ooooh"
03 "I Think We're Alone Now"
04 "Walk This Way"
07 "Sexy! No No No..."
10 "Call the Shots"
08 "Can't Speak French"
08 "The Promise"
06 "The Loving Kind"
08 "Untouchable"
10 “On the Metro”
10 "Something New"
00 "Beautiful 'Cause You Love Me"


07 "Heartbreaker" (with
10 "Fight for This Love"
08 "3 Words"
06 "Parachute"
08 "Promise This"
05 "The Flood"
10 "Call My Name"
05"Under the Sun"
07 "Crazy Stupid Love" (featuring Tinie Tempah)
08 "I Don't Care"
04 "Only Human"
06 "Love Made Me Do It"
?? "Let You"


07 "Beat of My Drum"
07 "Lucky Day"
?? "Yo-Yo"


?? "Insatiable"
?? "Sweetest High"
?? "I Could Be"
06 "Go to Work"
?? "Fool for Love"
08 "All That I Know"


?? "Everybody Dance"
?? "Like U Like" (with Aggro Santos)
?? "One Day I'll Fly Away"


?? "Threads”
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the near-universal apathy to Long Hot Summer is honestly baffling to me - THAT is how you do a POP SONG! what a load of mad TITS :disco:
i've done the decent thing and put on girls aloud. not that i don't every other couple of months to this day.

07 "Sound of the Underground"
07 "No Good Advice"
07 "Life Got Cold"
07 "Jump"
08 "The Show"
10 "Love Machine"
05 "I'll Stand by You"
09 "Wake Me Up"
07 "Long Hot Summer"
10 "Biology"
07 "See the Day"
07 "Whole Lotta History"
10 "Something Kinda Ooooh"
07 "I Think We're Alone Now"
01 "Walk This Way"
11 "Sexy! No No No..."
10 "Call the Shots"
09 "Can't Speak French"
09 "The Promise"
10 "The Loving Kind"
10 "Untouchable"
08 "On the Metro"
09 "Something New"
00 "Beautiful 'Cause You Love Me"


?? "Heartbreaker" (with
07 "Fight for This Love"
07 "3 Words"
?? "Parachute"
?? "Promise This"
?? "The Flood"
09 "Call My Name"
?? "Under the Sun"
00 "Crazy Stupid Love" (featuring Tinie Tempah)
07 "I Don't Care"
?? "Only Human"
?? "Love Made Me Do It"
08 "Let You"


08 "Beat of My Drum"
11 "Lucky Day"
07 "Yo-Yo"


03 "Insatiable"
?? "Sweetest High"
?? "I Could Be"
08 "Go to Work"
?? "Fool for Love"
?? "All That I Know"


?? "Everybody Dance"
?? "Like U Like" (with Aggro Santos)
?? "One Day I'll Fly Away"


?? "Threads"

i don't remember a lot of from what i've heard from their solo discographies.
Why have I never heard “On the Metro” before? I have had a longing for something missing in my life and BY GOD this is it. This hits HARD. :disco:

YES! It’s utterly utterly BLINDING!
Why have I never heard “On the Metro” before? I have had a longing for something missing in my life and BY GOD this is it. This hits HARD. :disco:

It is amazing, and I may be solo in thinking it, but Every Now And Then - the other unrealised Ten track, to me hits even harder
i'm all jazzed up now. i was kinda hungry for a girls aloud (my favourite girl band of all time ever, fuck you tlc!) revival. shame this is the reason.

get well soon, sarah.
10 "Sound of the Underground"
10 "No Good Advice"
08 "Life Got Cold"
08 "Jump"
10 "The Show"
08 "Love Machine"
06 "I'll Stand by You"
07 "Wake Me Up"
07 "Long Hot Summer"
11 "Biology"
01 "See the Day"
09 "Whole Lotta History"
10 "Something Kinda Ooooh"
04 "I Think We're Alone Now"
04 "Walk This Way"
09 "Sexy! No No No..."
13 "Call the Shots"
06 "Can't Speak French"
10 "The Promise"
10 "The Loving Kind"
10 "Untouchable"
10 "On the Metro"
11 "Something New"
-1 "Beautiful 'Cause You Love Me"


06 "Heartbreaker" (with
08 "Fight for This Love"
07 "3 Words"
05 "Parachute"
09 "Promise This"
-1 "The Flood"
10 "Call My Name"
00 "Under the Sun"
01 "Crazy Stupid Love" (featuring Tinie Tempah)
06 "I Don't Care"
02 "Only Human"
05 "Love Made Me Do It"
11 "Let You"


10 "Beat of My Drum"
10 "Lucky Day"
08 "Yo-Yo"


09 "Insatiable"
10 "Sweetest High"
05 "I Could Be"
11"Go to Work"
07 "Fool for Love"
-1 "All That I Know"


00 "Everybody Dance"
00 "Like U Like" (with Aggro Santos)
00 "One Day I'll Fly Away"


05 "Threads" - all 5 points for the iconic Lorraine performance

TRULY the greatest band of ALL TIME. I pity the youths having to make do with the depressing Little Mix these days.
Also the Nadine demo of Something New just destroys the ENTIRE FABRIC OF TIME.
i think rolling back the rivers in time is my close to my favourite these days. i know it's not their best song by far but i just never seem to tire of it.
an absolute 11/10 :disco: it's truly beautiful and endlessly feel good and just so LOVELY

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