Girls Aloud SINGLES RATE 2020! (1 Viewer)

i think rolling back the rivers in time is my close to my favourite these days. i know it's not their best song by far but i just never seem to tire of it.

Absolute stunning. That Nicola verse :disco:
10 "Sound of the Underground"
07 "No Good Advice"
10 "Life Got Cold"
03 "Jump"
10 "The Show"
10 "Love Machine"
02 "I'll Stand by You"
09 "Wake Me Up"
09 "Long Hot Summer"
10 "Biology"
02 "See the Day"
11 "Whole Lotta History"
09 "Something Kinda Ooooh"
02 "I Think We're Alone Now"
01 "Walk This Way"
09 "Sexy! No No No..."
10 "Call the Shots"
10 "Can't Speak French"
09 "The Promise"
10 "The Loving Kind"
423 "Untouchable"
08 "On the Metro"
06 "Something New"
04 "Beautiful 'Cause You Love Me"
All their cover versions are shite, all their other singles are ace. Bloody record companies.
09 "Sound of the Underground"
09 "No Good Advice"
07 "Life Got Cold"
03 "Jump"
10 "The Show"
07 "Love Machine"
04 "I'll Stand by You"
09 "Wake Me Up"
09 "Long Hot Summer"
09 "Biology"
05 "See the Day"
07 "Whole Lotta History"
10 "Something Kinda Ooooh"
00 "I Think We're Alone Now"
00 "Walk This Way"
08 "Sexy! No No No..."
10 "Call the Shots"
09 "Can't Speak French"
07 "The Promise"
11 "The Loving Kind"
10 "Untouchable"
09 "On the Metro"
08 "Something New"
03 "Beautiful 'Cause You Love Me"


07 "Heartbreaker" (with
10 "Fight for This Love"
09 "3 Words"
09 "Parachute"
10 "Promise This"
08 "The Flood"
11 "Call My Name"
07 "Under the Sun"
05 "Crazy Stupid Love" (featuring Tinie Tempah)
09 "I Don't Care"
07 "Only Human"
04 "Love Made Me Do It"
?? "Let You"


10 "Beat of My Drum"
07 "Lucky Day"
09 "Yo-Yo"


09 "Insatiable"
?? "Sweetest High"
?? "I Could Be"
07 "Go to Work"
?? "Fool for Love"
?? "All That I Know"


?? "Everybody Dance"
?? "Like U Like" (with Aggro Santos)
01 "One Day I'll Fly Away"


?? "Threads"
So fucking many excellent album tracks and b sides it should be illegal
So much of this, especially the solo stuff, is unknown to me. I think I will work my way through this today so I can rate them all.
I didn't realise how many people hated "Beautiful Cos You Love Me". It's OK, drifts past the ear without too much trouble.

Also: Crazy Fool is second only to Memory of You in the b-sides stakes.
Deadlines & Diets, Hear Me Out, Control of the Knife and Girl Overboard are the best album tracks, I think.
I didn't realise how many people hated "Beautiful Cos You Love Me". It's OK, drifts past the ear without too much trouble.

Also: Crazy Fool is second only to Memory of You in the b-sides stakes.

I prefer Singapore, which also fits with Memory of You...
09 "Sound of the Underground"
05 "No Good Advice"
03 "Life Got Cold"
06 "Jump"
05 "The Show"
08 "Love Machine"
02 "I'll Stand by You"
05 "Wake Me Up"
06 "Long Hot Summer"
08 "Biology"
04 "See the Day"
05 "Whole Lotta History"
08 "Something Kinda Ooooh"
04 "I Think We're Alone Now"
01 "Walk This Way"
07 "Sexy! No No No..."
07 "Call the Shots"
07 "Can't Speak French"
02 "The Promise"
01 "The Loving Kind"
05 "Untouchable"
12 "On the Metro"
09 "Something New"
06 "Beautiful 'Cause You Love Me"


-1 "Heartbreaker" (with
09 "Fight for This Love" (-1 for the woodpecker)
-1 "3 Words"
06 "Parachute"
08 "Promise This"
03 "The Flood"
10 "Call My Name"
06 "Under the Sun"
07 "Crazy Stupid Love" (featuring Tinie Tempah)
07 "I Don't Care"
06 "Only Human"
05 "Love Made Me Do It"
07 "Let You"


08 "Beat of My Drum"
06 "Lucky Day"
07 "Yo-Yo"


06 "Insatiable"
05 "Sweetest High"
05 "I Could Be"
08 "Go to Work"
08 "Fool for Love"
04 "All That I Know"
12 "Something New (Nadine Coyle)" :disco:


04 "Everybody Dance"
03 "Like U Like" (with Aggro Santos)
07 "One Day I'll Fly Away"


04 "Threads"
Oddly, as much as I love them, I never really got into much solo stuff to even give it a whirl.

08 "Sound of the Underground"
08 "No Good Advice"
07 "Life Got Cold"
09 "Jump"
09 "The Show"
08 "Love Machine"
08 "I'll Stand by You"
07 "Wake Me Up"
08 "Long Hot Summer"
08 "Biology"
07 "See the Day"
09 "Whole Lotta History"
08 "Something Kinda Ooooh"
07 "I Think We're Alone Now"
05 "Walk This Way"
08 "Sexy! No No No..."
09 "Call the Shots"
08 "Can't Speak French"
09 "The Promise"
09 "The Loving Kind"
08 "Untouchable"
09 "On the Metro"
10 "Something New"
04 "Beautiful 'Cause You Love Me"


05 "Heartbreaker" (with
08 "Fight for This Love"
05 "3 Words"
08 "Parachute"
08 "Promise This"
04 "The Flood"
09 "Call My Name"
06 "Under the Sun"
08 "Crazy Stupid Love" (featuring Tinie Tempah)
08 "I Don't Care"
05 "Only Human"
06 "Love Made Me Do It"
09 "Let You"


05 "Beat of My Drum"
?? "Lucky Day"
?? "Yo-Yo"


?? "Insatiable"
?? "Sweetest High"
?? "I Could Be"
06 "Go to Work"
?? "Fool for Love"
?? "All That I Know"


?? "Everybody Dance"
?? "Like U Like" (with Aggro Santos)
?? "One Day I'll Fly Away"


?? "Threads"
09 "Sound of the Underground"
07 "No Good Advice"
07 "Life Got Cold"
04 "Jump"
07 "The Show"
08 "Love Machine"
09 "I'll Stand by You"
10 "Wake Me Up"
06 "Long Hot Summer"
09 "Biology"
06 "See the Day"
10 "Whole Lotta History"
10 "Something Kinda Ooooh"
09 "I Think We're Alone Now" - Good yet bad?
03 "Walk This Way"
08 "Sexy! No No No..."
10 "Call the Shots" - Here through Something New might be my all time favorite singles run
10 "Can't Speak French"
10 "The Promise"
11 "The Loving Kind"
10 "Untouchable"
10 "On the Metro"
10 "Something New"
01 "Beautiful 'Cause You Love Me" - I hate the title and the sentiment


07 "Heartbreaker" (with
10 "Fight for This Love"
11 "3 Words"
06 "Parachute"
06 "Promise This"
06 "The Flood"
10 "Call My Name"
07 "Under the Sun"
06 "Crazy Stupid Love" (featuring Tinie Tempah)
08 "I Don't Care"
?? "Only Human"
?? "Love Made Me Do It"
10 "Let You" - Should have been her comeback


08 "Beat of My Drum"
07 "Lucky Day"
09 "Yo-Yo"


07 "Insatiable"
?? "Sweetest High"
?? "I Could Be"
07 "Go to Work"
?? "Fool for Love"
?? "All That I Know"


?? "Everybody Dance"
09 "Like U Like" (with Aggro Santos)
?? "One Day I'll Fly Away"


?? "Threads"
09 "Sound of the Underground"
05 "No Good Advice"
03 "Life Got Cold"
06 "Jump"
05 "The Show"
08 "Love Machine"
02 "I'll Stand by You"
05 "Wake Me Up"
06 "Long Hot Summer"
08 "Biology"
04 "See the Day"
05 "Whole Lotta History"
08 "Something Kinda Ooooh"
04 "I Think We're Alone Now"
01 "Walk This Way"
07 "Sexy! No No No..."
07 "Call the Shots"
07 "Can't Speak French"
02 "The Promise"
01 "The Loving Kind"
05 "Untouchable"
12 "On the Metro"
09 "Something New"
06 "Beautiful 'Cause You Love Me"


-1 "Heartbreaker" (with
09 "Fight for This Love" (-1 for the woodpecker)
-1 "3 Words"
06 "Parachute"
08 "Promise This"
03 "The Flood"
10 "Call My Name"
06 "Under the Sun"
07 "Crazy Stupid Love" (featuring Tinie Tempah)
07 "I Don't Care"
06 "Only Human"
05 "Love Made Me Do It"
07 "Let You"


08 "Beat of My Drum"
06 "Lucky Day"
07 "Yo-Yo"


06 "Insatiable"
05 "Sweetest High"
05 "I Could Be"
08 "Go to Work"
08 "Fool for Love"
04 "All That I Know"
12 "Something New (Nadine Coyle)" :disco:


04 "Everybody Dance"
03 "Like U Like" (with Aggro Santos)
07 "One Day I'll Fly Away"


04 "Threads"
Is there any info of who permitted Sounds of the Underground as the first single of a high profile reality TV girlband? It was so unlikely, so brilliant and could have gone so famously wrong.
Is there any info of who permitted Sounds of the Underground as the first single of a high profile reality TV girlband? It was so unlikely, so brilliant and could have gone so famously wrong.

Supposedly Louis Walsh, though I imagine the producers had a big hand in it all. Xenomania had written it for another girlband project originally, the name of which I forget now. They also recorded Sacred Trust, the One True Voice single, at the time too, though it only came out much, much later.

“Buy Girls, Bye Boys”, as their (inspired) promo slogan went at the time.
I love that No Good Advice had a version with proper swearing in too. It was all a big two fingers to what was expected of them and made the whole lot so much more fun.
I reconnected with The Promise today. It was so overplayed and I'm such an electronica slut that I'd forgotten what a strong song it was.
09 "Sound of the Underground"
10 "No Good Advice"
08 "Life Got Cold"
08 "Jump"
10 "The Show"
09 "Love Machine"
03 "I'll Stand by You"
09 "Wake Me Up"
08 "Long Hot Summer"
10 "Biology"
02 "See the Day"
07 "Whole Lotta History"
10 "Something Kinda Ooooh"
05 "I Think We're Alone Now"
03 "Walk This Way"
10 "Sexy! No No No..."
10 "Call the Shots"
10 "Can't Speak French"
07 "The Promise"
10 "The Loving Kind"
10 "Untouchable"
10 "On the Metro"
10 "Something New"
01 "Beautiful 'Cause You Love Me"


07 "Heartbreaker" (with
10 "Fight for This Love"
10 "3 Words"
07 "Parachute"
09 "Promise This"
05 "The Flood"
10 "Call My Name"
06 "Under the Sun"
06 "Crazy Stupid Love" (featuring Tinie Tempah)
09 "I Don't Care"
06 "Only Human"
07 "Love Made Me Do It"
08 "Let You"


08 "Beat of My Drum"
07 "Lucky Day"
05 "Yo-Yo"


06 "Insatiable"
?? "Sweetest High"
?? "I Could Be"
08 "Go to Work"
07 "Fool for Love"
?? "All That I Know"


?? "Everybody Dance"
05 "Like U Like" (with Aggro Santos)
03 "One Day I'll Fly Away"


03 "Threads"
I must dig out Cinderella's Eyes. Been an eon since I listened to that.
07 "Sound of the Underground"
07 "No Good Advice"
05 "Life Got Cold"
04 "Jump"
09 "The Show"
06 "Love Machine"
06 "I'll Stand by You"
07 "Wake Me Up"
07 "Long Hot Summer"
10 "Biology"
09 "See the Day"
08 "Whole Lotta History"
09 "Something Kinda Ooooh"
04 "I Think We're Alone Now"
00 "Walk This Way"
07 "Sexy! No No No..."
09 "Call the Shots"
10 "Can't Speak French"
10 "The Promise"
10 "The Loving Kind"
09 "Untouchable"
09 "On the Metro"
10 "Something New"
00 "Beautiful 'Cause You Love Me"


07 "Heartbreaker" (with
08 "Fight for This Love"
09 "3 Words"
07 "Parachute"
09 "Promise This"
04 "The Flood"
10 "Call My Name"
08 "Under the Sun"
07 "Crazy Stupid Love" (featuring Tinie Tempah)
09 "I Don't Care"
06 "Only Human"
?? "Love Made Me Do It"
09 "Let You"


05 "Beat of My Drum"
09 "Lucky Day"
10 "Yo-Yo"


09 "Insatiable"
?? "Sweetest High"
?? "I Could Be"
?? "Go to Work"
?? "Fool for Love"
?? "All That I Know"


?? "Everybody Dance"
07 "Like U Like" (with Aggro Santos)
?? "One Day I'll Fly Away"


?? "Threads"
Cinderella's Eyes is grand. "Say it out Loud", "Fish out of Water", "Yo-Yo", it's such a dynamic pop album. Love it.
Xenomania had written it for another girlband project originally, the name of which I forget now.
“Orchid” I think. My school friends sister (also the singer of the chorus in Abs - 7 Ways fact fans) was in the band, and she bought the CD into school and played it for us a few months before Girls Aloud got it.

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