How about some sort of Radio forum? (1 Viewer)

nink in the sink

Going Blank Again
Sep 16, 2009
It's something that's been bugging me for a while. We obviously have a lot of huge music fans here with a wide range of tastes and it's clear that people are listening to all sorts of stations so to me it makes sense to have somewhere to discuss it. Let's say for example that I wanted to start a thread to have a general discussion on Radio 4 and it's output (don't all rush in and post at once :D), as it stands there's nowhere in the forum where it would really fit. And there are lots of things about radio I would love to chat about (individual stations, what's available in your area, playlists, RAJARs, a heads-up thread of interesting programmes coming up, LOADS of things) but wouldn't want to clog up Moopy Moop with specialist interest threads. What do you think admin/mods?
It seems a bit NICHE to warrant a specialist forum to me. If moopy WAS being clogged up with specialist interest threads then it would be another matter, but it seems to me that it isn't at present because the demand isn't there, rather than people not wanting to clog the forum up.
Like lolly I don't really think there's demand for such a thing. That's something I've always liked about Moopy, most of the forums are there because there is demand for them (some of the artist forums less so of late) and I don't think a radio forum would really bring many new threads/posts or be of much benefit to more than a handful of posters.
And there are lots of things about radio I would love to chat about (individual stations, what's available in your area, playlists, RAJARs, a heads-up thread of interesting programmes coming up, LOADS of things)

oh my God I would rather die
Oh God, the tags! I'm biting my lip and shuddering with laughter. :D
you could just have some threads

Radio 4 thread
playlists thread


anything that warrants a discussion should start from there really; if it balloons we can take it from there
Yes, that's the way to play it. At least that way we can see if the demand is there.
Funky's suggestion seems like a good idea so I will give that a bash. Thanks for discussing it with me.
The last radio 4 related thread, War Horses Of Letters, did not go down well :(

And nobody cared about Nigel Pargetter's gruesome death.
This isn't her. The giveaway being that none of my ideas she thinks are good. I haven't a clue who very Perry is but if you've managed to scare off another new poster on their first post WELL DONE.
If a new poster is scared off by one post, they're not suitable.
You may well be right but to me it's still a strange attitude to take, that of "you accept us laughing at you or you're too weak to fit in". I think if you make newcomers a little bit more welcolming you might find we develop a greater mix of personalities, and therefore have a wider range of popular discussion topics. I certainly don't see what was to be gained from jumping to conclusions about a new poster and then ripping the piss out of them.
Jumping to conclusions? Perhaps, but I suspect Star had some reason for thinking that. But ripping the piss out of? Come on, it isn't that at all! Anyone who reads anything of moopy will have seen far worse on a daily basis.
You may well be right but to me it's still a strange attitude to take, that of "you accept us laughing at you or you're too weak to fit in". I think if you make newcomers a little bit more welcolming you might find we develop a greater mix of personalities, and therefore have a wider range of popular discussion topics. I certainly don't see what was to be gained from jumping to conclusions about a new poster and then ripping the piss out of them.

experience has taught us that 99 out of the 100 people who register and make one post along the lines of "Hi I'm new I really like the new Saturdays single, u guyz are funny I like it here" never ever post again.

If people genuinely have taken the time to check moopy out and consider themselves capable of fitting in, they won't stop at one post and a barrage of random responses.

The rest of us didn't. Neither did you.
nink in the sink said:
I certainly don't see what was to be gained from jumping to conclusions about a new poster and then ripping the piss out of them.

It's fun
Oh I am sorry if I got it wrong nink, it's just the email address this poster signed up with is linked to your fiancee's facebook account (we used to be friends on there so I know it's her). But apologies for jumping to conclusions, I do feel you ought to ask this new poster why they are using your fiancee's email address though!
Oh I am sorry if I got it wrong nink, it's just the email address this poster signed up with is linked to your fiancee's facebook account (we used to be friends on there so I know it's her). But apologies for jumping to conclusions, I do feel you ought to ask this new poster why they are using your fiancee's email address though!
Are you sure you got the right person Star because she has registered but under a different name, maybe you got the two new accounts confused?
Are you sure you got the right person Star because she has registered but under a different name, maybe you got the two new accounts confused?

As I say, apologies if I've got it wrong, but I just double checked and that account definately has her email address registered to it.
I feel sorry for the people who think this thread isn't worth visiting.
I feel sorry for the people who think this thread isn't worth visiting.

It'll be like this thread:, and people will be discovering it for YEARS to come :disco:
I don't think I've ever read that one :o
I don't think I've ever read that one :o

REALLY? It's possibly the BEST THREAD EVER on moopy. And I'm not trying to claim any credit because I started it, other than offering the BAIT which lured someone in...

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