Disney TT, since you're going to Uni in the UK, can you get access to this 2013 dissertation about Enya?

I for one would love to read it!
A little more about Holly Kirby and Enya:
Sorry I can't find it, I have tried to look for it on these 'open dissertations' sites and the University of Surrey website, but her dissertation doesn't show up. Interesting she wrote about Enya for it.

I'd probably heard of the show but knew next to nothing about Stars In Their Eyes on ITV until today..! Its original run apparently finished in 2006, and Holly Kirby, a blonde 15 year-old girl from the Isle of Wight (and probably well-off) cosplayed Enya, haha.
She was okay actually, though just 10 minutes recording vocals in a studio and 20 minutes trying on a costume is a laugh in comparison to what Enya would take.
It's strange to think she has a 5-6 year old daughter now (called Juno, like the keyboard?), while Enya as a person (and the trio) hasn't changed very much since the mid-2000s.
Anyway, I did find some things that might be a nice read

Acouple of days ago I found this thesis from 2020 (mentions/references Enya and Clannad, though mostly The Corrs and that Runaway song

) and Celtic music in general, which was sort of interesting:
Then some random funny article from 2021 on remembering how Enya sold her saxophone and succeeded

Waah, the space argument is silly, external memory is cheap these days. 64 GB costs less than keeping the site and files online for one month...
Probably is compared to before, but still costs
and even as Enya fans, there are more important files people have to preserve (and phone photos/videos already take up a lot). Also, with the increased awareness and likeliness of being scammed now (online downloads, deliveries, phone calls, etc.) people want to know what they are getting, and even that might be unclear.
If people can't simply right-click and download (a process that can run in the background), they're not going to spend the time to go through galleries of thousands of files.
I would

If you could get a glimpse what's there, you can skim through and select/organise whatever is preferred. Though they can't be downloaded, this Enya site has many photo thumbnails
https://enya-music.jimdofree.com/. Pinterest also exists
Neither I nor anyone else involved is going to spend the time setting up a full website with galleries. If someone else wants to do that, they're welcome to download everything and set up their own site.
So far I've seen more whining/whinging than thanks for this generous offering. Why invest more time into the project?
I remember you saying you didn't have the time to set up a site anyway, but you did, and I'm sure people are thankful for it, but busy.
If more thought "why invest more time into the project?" just because the response was lacking or seemingly negative, so many amazing inventions and creations would be missing from the world.

Enya was told her music wouldn't sell well (those early pieces for The Celts and Watermark, and her Frog Prince compositions got re-arranged).
Although she retreated away from others because of the criticism, she didn't give up, and continued the music she was working on. It sold very well, despite the odds.

I think many seem to forget that aspect of her music and approach to it - the perseverance.
Also the fact that she's still around and (consider 2015 too) doesn't let ageism or a generally slow pace put her off creating new music and somehow progressing. That idea can apply to anyone, whatever projects they've contributed to in life, and anything for the future, even a legacy.