Israel's participation in Eurovision 2024 (1 Viewer)

We're never going to make an entirely neat separation of the two. The main thrust of my post was about the song title, so this seems the appropriate thread.
Respectfully disagree. There‘s an entire thread dedicated as to whether or not Israel should be at the contest. Perhaps use that. There should be a safe space for those who just want to discuss the entry and this was supposed to be it.

Respectfully disagree. There‘s an entire thread dedicated as to whether or not Israel should be at the contest. Perhaps use that.

I know about the thread, I've used it before
With respect, I agree with Kratz. This is exactly what I wanted to avoid in creating two threads. Moving a few posts (including this one) to the other thread for now.
Israel’s participation will at least ensure that the nightmare the civilians in Gaza are living through is given more international attention
I read somewhere else online that the lyrics of Tattoo could be taken as ‘political’

‘No I don’t care about them all’

‘You’re stuck on me like a tattoo’

They’re just picking holes now. It’s getting beyond a joke.
Is the reporting perhaps confused? It seems too quick to have had the lyrics reviewed and refused a third time.
As if they'll top the moment of "you wanna see me dance?" for at least a decade. They should just get old Rita back on to warble something (although her dance song's video was permanently delayed it seems):

so next Wednesday is tomorrow?
It's almost a week away, so it can easily be NEXT MONDAY.

THIS WEDNESDAY is tomorrow, as it's so near you'd assume NEXT WEDNESDAY is next week.

There are no hard and fast rules, but I find logic helps.
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In Swedish you say this xday if its within a week, next xday means the one coming the week after. I didn’t know same rule applied for English…?
In Swedish you say this xday if its within a week, next xday means the one coming the week after. I didn’t know same rule applied for English…?

Yes it does but still people in the UK get it wrong sometimes and it causes LOTS OF CHAOS

I think people just like using it as an excuse if they forget about a meeting or something
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I mean, all this suggests is that you shouldn't say next Xday at all.

Same as you should never really say midnight on a date, and instead say 11:59pm.
How long before the parties involved just accept that the lyrics aren’t what’s problematic here?

The EBU pushing back against the lyrics of every song Israel come up with is coming across as them being quietly quite desperate to have them sit out this year… especially if the deadline for finalising entries is imminent. It almost feels like they are running down the clock.
I mean, all this suggests is that you shouldn't say next Xday at all.

Well, quite. I mean I do it myself and understand what it means, but as soon as you pick it apart the rules behind it instantly show themselves up to be ridiculous.

I know when I say "next Thursday" I'm referring to next week and not tomorrow, but WHY? How is "next" anything other than the next one in line?

Abolish it please
Maybe this is the exact thing they're hoping to trip Israel up with into sending their song too late
Aside from anything else, everyone is going to be such a fucking bore about this year now.
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If it is a poetry competition how did 'A Message to Your Heart' not win?
I don’t think this can be true to be honest, let’s wait to hear officially
Don’t worry moopy, I’ll fly the flag of protest and withdraw from watching Eurovision this year, all so you don’t have to


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