Where is this in the UK mids?
Did Bennifer die on a motorbike?Opening number - the heartbreak of the Bennifer breakup as a batshit steampunk dance number in a post-apocalyptic factory.
she's not released an album in almost ten years and the last one was shit. the music is secondary now, that's why she made this film. which is #1 on prime so clearly she's not irrelevant.That's crazy! How did she become so irrelevant?
The new #63!Debuts at FIFTY FIVE in UK
Still can't believe this is officially the biggest flop by a major star OF ALL TIME.
I saw this in HMV and no one was buying it. She's over!
Not a major star
This is probably the worst thing that's ever been written on the internet.It's her Dusty In Memphis moment. People will constantly ask why the album wasn't a hit despite the millions from Amazon for something that completely focused on the music, a web of love stories that would have had Shakespear pack it in, going live on Saturday Night Live when it was far from necessary, and not to mention not even looking like an aunt in a M&S campaign thing, which is the biggest challenge for women over 35 as we all know now.
This is probably the worst thing that's ever been written on the internet.