Jessie Ware - Devotion (sync tonight 8.30pm) (1 Viewer)

omg, as if I forgot my number one hunty funks. sorry funks.
Genuinely kind of sad to miss this. Jessie is one of my favorite artists of the last decade. Her new one is probably her best album, but this one has the highest highs.
This is kind of out of nowhere, but I think a mashup between wildest moments and I Miss You but Beyoncé could really work
God I forgot how much this album is like masturbating with a MELTED LINDT BAR :disco:
CRYING ALONE IN BED AT HOW THAT BEAUTIFUL BOY I BARELY KNOW WON'T TEXT ME BACK over Wildest Moments like it's 2012 all over again!!
I view the first track as kind of extended intro before the overwhelming rush of tracks 2 and 3
Running is such a VIBE. It can soundtrack whatever I'm doing at the time perfectly and I wouldn't notice. Whether it be cooking, running, sobbing into a glass of wine, sexxing it up, or masturbating with a melted lindt bar. A song for ALL MOODS.
for quite a while Wildest Moments was definitely my Jessie track of choice. I have to say, I think it has since been surpassed. I'm a total Tough Love kinda gal (album and song). but it's still wrapped in a lot of nostalgia for me.

I too was agog when I found out it was a big fat flop :D
Running of course is a dark epic. love how it CRASHES IN and gets louder and more bombastic as it goes on. but it's also about the little details like the backing vox and adlibs.

for your love... :disco:

07 Devotion
10 Wildest Moments
10 Running
Wildest Moments is a 13/10. Despite applying to none of them, I have managed to convince myself that it relates to every relationship/hook-up I’ve ever had. I’m not even listening right now and I’m still going to have a mental breakdown about how good it is.
Despite my hyperbole about wildest moments, Running is even better! :disco:
I looove Still Love Me. it's very FUNKY, FRESH N' COOL. sounds like a going for a night swim in the 90s.

07 Devotion
10 Wildest Moments
10 Running
08.5 Still Love Me
now I really love the SLOW REVEAL of No To Love. it's quite a deceitful song - tricks you into thinking she's being scornful of the idiot who said no to love, and then pulls the curtain off the mirror to reveal IT WAS HER ALONG.

"and what was I thinking of?" :disco:
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I don't know if she had fully figured out how best to use her voice at this point. there are moments, like on Night Light, that I think she sounds a little shrill or abrasive. it's a weird song, I really like it but it can't quite decide what kinda vibe it's going for. it does hit a stride by the end though.

8, but a full 10 for the amazing Joe Goddard remix :disco:

07 Devotion
10 Wildest Moments
10 Running
08.5 Still Love Me
08 No To Love
08 Night Light
Night Light is not the one for me either, and sorry but neither is Swan Song. Oozy goodness but not quite melodic enough for me. If Iguana had stayed this is the bit I'd be trying to convince him to stick around because it's about to get into the wonderful last third! This is just a bit of a middle dip.
Swan Song... I like the very CHIPPER BEAT. there just isn't that much of a song on top of it.

07 Devotion
10 Wildest Moments
10 Running
08.5 Still Love Me
08 No To Love
08 Night Light
07 Swan Song
06 Devotion
10 Wildest Moments
09 Running
07.5 Still Love Me
09 No to Love (+ a bonus :disco: emoji)
07 Night Light
06 Swan Song
09 Sweet Talk

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