Justin Bieber - Sorry (1 Viewer)

*weeps while fellating*

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A couple of weeks ago I was having lunch with some colleagues. Chatting about various TV and music to pass the time and a 52 year old straight man mentions that he heard a “cool new dance track” on a TV show recently. To his dismay when he used Shazam, it was Sorry by Justin Bieber and he’d never heard it before :D
There have been times - mostly when bouncing around Khao San Road with a bucket of fluorescent moonshine in hand - where I've considered this the GREATEST SONG EVER MADE! :disco:

God bless St Biebz for his endless services to humanity!
I was working at an all-girls school at the time this came out and it was every-fucking-where. I actually like it more now than I did then.
I decided to be generous and give it a 7. But anything above that is surely a sign of mental deterioration.
Sorry was one of his better songs. maybe his best hit. but wow he was such a shit popstar. it already feels like his biggest hits left no real impact.
I still really like What Do You Mean. This is pretty good but was excessively overplayed. Love Yourself was awful and excessively overplayed.

After that trio of mega-hits his subsequent stuff passed me by.
Sorry was one of his better songs. maybe his best hit. but wow he was such a shit popstar. it already feels like his biggest hits left no real impact.

I saw him live (for free) in 2022 and it was seriously one of the worst live shows I've ever witnessed; after all the shit that was recently uncovered it makes sense now and the signs were THERE but still, the amount of money he was making during his prime years was absolutely ridiculous for such a crap popstar.
I don’t mind a lot of his stuff but it is wild what a chokehold he had on the pop world for that moment in time.
Is he considered to be over now? I thought his last record did well, despite entirely passing me by.
He had a very brief window where he stopped looking like a generic twinky child but before he got too many tattoos where he looked decent.
I've shot multiple loads over him, enjoyed every second


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