I did like Say Something, but I quite like Chris Stapleton anyway.I don’t think the last album was dreadful at all. The weird attempt to mix country and R&B was a failure, and as a whole it didn’t really work, but ironically most of the songs didn’t actually mix the genres he just did a bit of both and individually many of the songs were good. “Higher Higher”, “Montana” and “Breeze Off The Pond” are among the best things he’s done. And I love “Say Something”, even though it’s Chris Stapleton’s song.
don't be absurd. it's not that he's "not quite as hot" (lol understatement) as he was in '03. it's that he became UTTERLY BORING as an artist. 20/20 was long and super self indulgent and certainly didn't have enough memorable songs to justify the long wait and the massive hype. that last album with its horribly contrived imagery was bland garbage apart from the one memorable song in which he jacked Chris Stapleton's sound.WOW 'don't be a popstar 'cause you're over the age of 35 and not quite as hot as you were in your twenties'
he's the classic example of a popstar who has outgrown his charisma and raison d'etre and everything that once made him interesting, and is still churning out music purely to fulfil label contracts / because it's "his job". it's been so long since anything remotely essential. he doesn't even look good anymore, girlfriend looks FRIED.
Sorry (not sorry) but Can’t Stop the Feeling was better than anything from the last album. He spent a lot of time in the studio with Max and Shellback before ditching it all. THAT would have been the bops album.She needs to give us her Chromatica. An album full of bops and not ones for Karen à la Can't Fight The Feeling or whatever it was called.
the last song I liked by him was “Mirrors”
"Flannel" is a guilty pleasure of mine.