Kirby and the Forgotten Land (Switch) (1 Viewer)


愛してるって 言わなきゃ殺す
Feb 5, 2004
Osaka, Land of Fire
It was bugging me that there wasn’t a thread for this… I wonder if a kind Mod can pick over the last few pages of the Switch thread?

Anyway I’ve finally finished the postgame boss, what a cunt too! My thumbs are killing me.

But it was a cute game - the difficult was… variable - it seemed pretty easy for most of it, but then suddenly the bosses were right bastards. Especially that fucking Sillydillo :evil:

That body horror of the last main game boss absorbing everyone into that blob :D

The powers were fun too, even though I ended up sticking to the same handful.

Just got a few more scrolls to find to unlock the last two challenges.
Oh I got up to some boss that starts by going down a cave. Needless to say I think I need to use one of those power up things as although I did nearly do it, I don't play Kirby to be challenged thank you very much.

God, I really want this Direct soon (rumoured between 22 and 29 of the month this time). I'm even looking forward to Splatoon 3 now - my probably-way-off guess is for next Switch Splatoon 4 will go the "ultimate" route to get it out quick.
Oh I got up to some boss that starts by going down a cave. Needless to say I think I need to use one of those power up things as although I did nearly do it, I don't play Kirby to be challenged thank you very much.

God, I really want this Direct soon (rumoured between 22 and 29 of the month this time). I'm even looking forward to Splatoon 3 now - my probably-way-off guess is for next Switch Splatoon 4 will go the "ultimate" route to get it out quick.

Oh that’s the fucking armadillo, HATE! I got through the final postgame boss using a life drink just before I died (filling up your bar and giving you a bonus bar), so you could do that if it comes to it. He’s a right arsehole though
Weirdly after wanting to just finish this, I’ve cleared all the challenges (which needed me to get all the blueprints), well except one sleepy blueprint which I got too, defeating the ultimate colosseum (and really interested in the Z colosseum though, I hate boss rushes.

Now I’m after all the waddle dees :D cleared the first three worlds already so it shouldn’t be long. Hopefully I can finish Brilliant Diamond too, before Sonic Origins arrives
I was expecting some Shredder chatter among you lot. I've not watched any reviews yet though.
Finally got all the Waddle Dees, I think I can hang up my various hats now.

I only had to kill that Armadillo about 5 more times to do it :manson:
Oh I didn't realise this was a separate thread. That explains the lack of hot Shredder chat.

Anyway, lovely game, beautiful gowns and beautiful power ups (especially the pink flamer).
Yeah didn’t really know what you meant about the Shredder thing :D

I just thought more threads in this forum wouldn’t hurt. Nobody starts new threads these days
Oh I should have pretended it was some hot power up after you 110% it.

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