Liam Payne DEAD (1 Viewer)


Just saw footage on ITV News of Liam's dad arriving at the hotel, swamped by cameras and fans. Truly grotesque, why they made him walk through that mob of fans and cameras is beyond me.
This was one hell of a shock

He could have had another 60 years of life and you know what? We could all just disappear tomorrow, anything could happen. And I mean it. Take note
This was one hell of a shock

He could have had another 60 years of life and you know what? We could all just disappear tomorrow, anything could happen. And I mean it. Take note
I'll try super hard not to join a world famous boy band, struggle in my personal life and meet a widely publicised tragic ending, oh wise one.
Maybe this is just me but there is something increasingly uncomfortable about the eulogies on social media in recent years. Having the public eye observe a death is harsh enough, especially a case like this one, and the Instagram grief (and the wild demand for it!) feels like it adds to the spotlight rather than creating a space to process.

Cheryl's paragraphs were really poignant and well-written though.
Maybe this is just me but there is something increasingly uncomfortable about the eulogies on social media in recent years. Having the public eye observe a death is harsh enough, especially a case like this one, and the Instagram grief (and the wild demand for it!) feels like it adds to the spotlight rather than creating a space to process.

Cheryl's paragraphs were really poignant and well-written though.
What do you mean?

I don't know how I feel about that Kirstie Allsopp quote. Yes it's ridiculous, but also she seemingly DID know him and a "light" story about someone is kind of a nice thing.

I'm more offended by people who had nothing to do with him. I've seen quite a few "Everyone's been checking in on me to see if I'm OK" posts from fans...SHUT UP MAKING IT ABOUT YOU.
I'm more offended by people who had nothing to do with him. I've seen quite a few "Everyone's been checking in on me to see if I'm OK" posts from fans...SHUT UP MAKING IT ABOUT YOU.
People are a bit weird like that. When Mark E Smith died, I had messages from people checking in on me and my now-dead Facebook had quite a few "you were the first person I thought of" remarks. I mean, bless them all but I wouldn't have turned that into a post about myself.
People are a bit weird like that. When Mark E Smith died, I had messages from people checking in on me and my now-dead Facebook had quite a few "you were the first person I thought of" remarks. I mean, bless them all but I wouldn't have turned that into a post about myself.

Oh yeah, to be clear, it's not about the act itself- if Kylie carked it, I'd be fucking devastated and I absolutely would express it in some way but it's the whole "Thank you for your kind messages and checking in on me" thing. It's just ODD.
Presumably 1D fans are going to be young adults. It’s probably going to be the first time away from grandparents that many of them have experienced any kind of significant loss. I definitely had people checking in on me when MJ died, and I think we all did the same for @Star when Stephen Gately went at a ridiculously young age.

Still, I wouldn’t post about it at the time and make it about me, but that’s that generation.
What is with all these Diddy and Beyonce conspiracy theories coupled with Michael Jackson too. :rolleyes:
We all have those few artists whose work means so much to us that we feel something much stronger when they die that we would normally feel for someone we didn't know personally and I have no issue at all with people acknowledging that on their social media. There will also be a small number of occasions where someone is struggling as it is and it's the straw that breaks the camel's back and, again, acknowledging that is fine. But people posing with their merch and asking for sympathy is weirding me out.
One of my friends has absolutely adored 1D since she was 15. So she really was the first person I thought of when I heard about Liam. I mean obviously I thought how awful for his family, but as a person I know personally, I thought of my friend.

She's not ok.
One of my other friends made a comment the other day and I didn't really know how to respond, because I guess she's right.

She said with celebrity deaths, we always say how awful it is and how sorry we feel for them. But had Liam been a regular guy, with a kid, with a drug problem, who died potentially because of drugs, would we show this amount of sorrow and sympathy? Or would a lot of people say what a waste of space he was, how could he do drugs when he's got kids etc.

And I guess she's right. I do know people on the island that have died because of drugs and people are brutal about them. (Not me, I feel for anyone who has an addiction problem, but many people don't understand it).
I don't think it's particularly useful to comment on how different people express their grief, as much as I think of it myself.

It's more of another of those bloody social media things where there's the pressure of being seen to say something. And of course those people who have to centre themselves in everything. It's a toxic combination.
One of my other friends made a comment the other day and I didn't really know how to respond, because I guess she's right.

She said with celebrity deaths, we always say how awful it is and how sorry we feel for them. But had Liam been a regular guy, with a kid, with a drug problem, who died potentially because of drugs, would we show this amount of sorrow and sympathy? Or would a lot of people say what a waste of space he was, how could he do drugs when he's got kids etc.

And I guess she's right. I do know people on the island that have died because of drugs and people are brutal about them. (Not me, I feel for anyone who has an addiction problem, but many people don't understand it).
It’s easier to empathise when you know more about them than a complete stranger. But any child losing a parent who loves them, particularly in this grim way is just tragic regardless of that. Shrugging it off as a “waste of space” is kind of psychotic.
It sounds like a euphemism, too. If Kirstie let on that she'd let Phil sample her truffle mustard I'd 100% think he'd had a go on her.

After Kirstie's husband sampled Liam's truffle mustard, their married life could never be the same.
It’s easier to empathise when you know more about them than a complete stranger. But any child losing a parent who loves them, particularly in this grim way is just tragic regardless of that. Shrugging it off as a “waste of space” is kind of psychotic.
Unfortunately I've heard comments from people very similar to "waste of space", about drug/alcohol addicts. A very good friend of mine is a recovering alcoholic, and the comments she's had have been awful.

But yes, I suppose when you know a lot about a celebrity it's easier to empathise.
Unfortunately I've heard comments from people very similar to "waste of space", about drug/alcohol addicts. A very good friend of mine is a recovering alcoholic, and the comments she's had have been awful.

But yes, I suppose when you know a lot about a celebrity it's easier to empathise.
Those people are cunts. It's quite simple.

I don't think it IS easier to empathise with celebrities. Sympathise perhaps, but not empathise. And that's a choice.
One of my other friends made a comment the other day and I didn't really know how to respond, because I guess she's right.

She said with celebrity deaths, we always say how awful it is and how sorry we feel for them. But had Liam been a regular guy, with a kid, with a drug problem, who died potentially because of drugs, would we show this amount of sorrow and sympathy? Or would a lot of people say what a waste of space he was, how could he do drugs when he's got kids etc.

And I guess she's right. I do know people on the island that have died because of drugs and people are brutal about them. (Not me, I feel for anyone who has an addiction problem, but many people don't understand it).
I think it probably needs a little from one side and a little from the other. The thing about that last Snapchat video is that there were absolutely glaring signs that Liam probably wasn't a particularly nice person to live with - and by his own account, was quite bossy and aggy when it came to the band. When that went all the way around and became vulnerability he probably turned a lot of that in on himself. It's a hard circle and it's a shame he never found his way to a point of ease and calm within himself. The reason the 2020 BBC letter to himself video is so haunting is because he so clearly didn't quite believe a lot of it.
What Snapchat video? The one from last week in Argentina?
Yeah. There was quite an offputting controlling edge to him lecturing his girlfriend about leaving a hat on the table. It can't have been a particularly pleasant experience to live with someone scolding you over very small things and filming it as a measure of power.
Before we get onto 'he was a nice guy' vs 'he was unpleasant', both things can be true.

His flaws don't seem so extreme, that people should need to pore over the details in great detail and equally don't need to argue that he was an angel, which I suspect is about to happen.
Night Changes is #16 in the first chart update, followed by Story of My Life at #21.
What Makes You Beautiful is #47.

Not the song I'd expect to be out in front.
Was it a single? I stopped following their career after about the first 18 months.

I guess it's got some emotional resonance with the FANZ.

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