Lindsay Lohan Miscellaneous 2024 (1 Viewer)

a fabulous shoot

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Is this instead of or in addition to a Vanessa Hudgens Netflix Christmas film this year? I want both queens to get money.
Vanessa WHO? It's FREDDIE PRINZE JR. we should be talking about!

Netflix is where careers go to be resuscitated (but then left on life support).
It's a given this is a terrible movie, most Xmas movies are dreadful but it's VERY CAMP; the GAY boyfriend :D
Aliana Lohan being shoehorned in this BAFFLES ME, I bet Linds go "I'll sign only if my talentless boring sister has a part". Her acting is the definition of subhuman and I cringed at how she delivered a total of 5 lines throughout the movie with so much fright in her eyes.
The Canyons was truly, truly terrible. I am not a Brett Easton Ellis fan though, so it was never going to be for me, even if it weren't shot like an episode of the Real Housewives.
Omg, Talk about a COMEBACK! What's next? Another movie to be released on proper cinemas? A role in the MCU? :)
the Lohanaissance is such a beautiful thing. I want some pilk tomorrow.

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