Mariah Misc 2023 (1 Viewer)

Jennifer Hudson has a SHOW? What next? Cooking with Carrie Underwood and Remodeling Houses with Adam Lambert?
She seems really stiff at the moment, I’m a little concerned.

It also seems she and Tanaka have broken up.
She seems really stiff at the moment, I’m a little concerned.

It also seems she and Tanaka have broken up.

Yeah it's almost certainly a breakup I think. It reminds me of 2009 when she was having pregnancy problems and she just wasn't in the state to be doing interviews.
Well, it wasn’t a disaster but it was definitely 90% lipped. Best we can hope for in the year of β€˜23 I should think
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Loved this from her speech!

β€œOne thing I really have to say that I’m really grateful for is the fact that my fans have been here with me through the hits, through the misses, the No.1s and the Bubbling Unders.”

Yes she’s sad, you can see it. Something is going on behind the scenes
J.Hud displaying her trademark grasp on LIGHT and SHADE here… :eyes:

Even Jessie J would be like ’reign it in a bit love’.
Mariah is looking absolutely STUNNING lately. Definitely in her classique era.

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