Mariah Moments™: Infinity (1 Viewer)

Why you mad?

  • That was a classic, that was a classic

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May 2, 2004
I'm SORRY but I can't help really liking this!

It's got some clever lyrics, LOVELY STRINGS 🎻🎻🎻 and she looks really beautiful in the (stage bits of the) video

I suppose the Infiniteeee-eee-eeeeee-eeeeeeeee refrain is a bit shit

And I'm still not sure about the "more than just a made-up...


What do you think?
Even though I like it I had to go for option 3 as it is actually quite shit :( (in comparison to her other masterworks only)
It's a Mariah comfort zone, deluxe in its own way and some shots in the video are very flattering. I'd put it on the 7.
Pointless, awful, boring and worst of all BEIGE!
Je ne comprends pas (DUH!)
Ain't no compliments (DUH!)
Ain't no being friends (DUH!)
Ain't no false pretence (DUH!)
Ain't no make amends (DUH!)
Ain't no come agains (DUH!)
That's the story ain't no happy ends
I'm sorry, but this song sounds like so many others she has done, and an example of why I went off her after about 2006.
It kind of has the quick PATTER of several of her latter day verses I suppose
I think Vicky means it's just shit, like a few she has released.
Most of her later stuff just sounds same-y and generic to me - and I absolutely loved her in the 90s, and liked most of what she did up to the album with 'We belong together' on it.

After that she just started to bore me.
Most of her later stuff just sounds same-y and generic to me - and I absolutely loved her in the 90s, and liked most of what she did up to the album with 'We belong together' on it.

After that she just started to bore me.

Fair play but, post 2005 she kind of has experimented working with producers she wouldn't normally work with to interesting results, nothing too left field, but to say that everything she has released for the past two decades sounds the same is a bit harsh.

Now, if we're talking about singles only, well....
Missing out on Migrate, I'll Be Lovin' U Long Time, Betcha Gon Know, Standing O and You Don't Know What To Do is also well worth rectifying :disco:

And that's just for STARTERS
What latter day Mariah has lacked in quality control (Caution aside), she has made up for in giving us bops on bops on bops.

Christian isn't even touching the sides with that list.
It's pretty shit, but it's so obscure and so late in her career, it's more than excusable.

2014-2017 was her worst 'era'.

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