Meghan Trainor - Criminals (1 Viewer)

The Perfect Song

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Hooligan high on poppers
Apr 25, 2020
Chromatica Return Flight
The only good thing about this TERRIBLE Netflix show is that it gave us Nicole Kidman dancing to a, and I can't believe I'm saying this, good Meghan Trainor song

Or has the show just ROTTED MY BRAIN?
Unfortunately yes I believe BRAIN ROT

She may have replaced the doo wop with a basic disco beat, but basic this still is
I don't know if I can bring myself to say 'good' but it's not horrific, which is literally the most positive thing I've ever said about this septic ballsack of a woman.

I will never forgive her for unleashing that 'I Am Your Mother' abomination.
Forgive me Father but yeah, this song is marginally better than most of the shite she's been spewing for the last 7 years or so and because it reminds me so much of my favorite (and only) thing she's ever done: SLEDGEHAMMER :disco:
Meghan TRAINOR Top 6

1. Made You Look
2. Criminal
3. Let You Be Right
4. No
5. Hey DJ
6. No Excuses
1. Marvin Gaye
2. Just Got Paid
3. No
4. Made You Look
5. Me Too

I enjoy all of those, and maybe a couple more, but maybe it's saying something that my favourite two aren't solely her.
Sorry but not sorry that I choose to get on the Trainor train instead of the nun killing satanist in 2024!

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