The ridiculous thing about streaming in the album chart is that having just a few tracks streamed from the album can massively help the streaming points. I think Mabel has ALL her singles released tacked onto that album to boost album 'sales'. Even though they weren't all originally on the album. Everytime she releases a new song, it gets addes to the album on spotify. It's quite a fudge.
Similarly people like Pop Smoke and Juice World have about 3 or 4 masssively streamed tracks but hardly any album physical/download purchases. Surely these streamed tracks should count for the singles chart and not the album chart?
I'm not sure what the answer is, but there should definitely be a higher weighting towards streaming points for the album chart when somebody listens to a whole album. I guess that is too hard to measure though.
Even though the two most streamed tracks on an album get weighted down or sonething under one of the rules, the double counting towards both single and album chart is ridiculous. It should be the top 5 most streamed tracks getting weighted down or something.....