Miguel - Give it to Me + new album (1 Viewer)


Good graces
Nov 27, 2007
Curious how this will do after "Sure Thing" getting its flowers ten years later.

I feel like if this is good, it could debut at number 1
I can't believe the new NOW album has Sure Thing (Sped Up version) as part of the tracklist instead of the regular version, must be the first time this has happened, was this the one that was a hit/received radio play??
I can't believe the new NOW album has Sure Thing (Sped Up version) as part of the tracklist instead of the regular version, must be the first time this has happened, was this the one that was a hit/received radio play??

Yes because kids can’t listen to songs any more without a chipmunk vocal somewhere in it
I think I like it? I think it’ll need a few more listens. The production is interesting
Same. He always comes with something different.

The preview clip is a bit jarring, the song works better as a whole with the build in the verses.
Not feeling this new era at all

Just write some BOPS love, nobody wants you to be a tortured artisté!
Any word on the new album? I think he has one of, if not the best R&B male vocal (actually i'd go all the way and argue he's one of the best living male singers) but I must say the new music feels a tad... uninspired. 'Give it to Me' became a somewhat reliable summer anthem for a week or two but I haven't really gone back to it since.

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