Moderation Requests (1 Viewer)

Thank you lolly, i will seek no compensation

(mainly because Star would probably just send me some shit in an envelope)
how ungrateful

at least it would be an envelope full of shit with a :disco: sticker on it
For some reason I cannot post a thread, probably because of the length of the message, but it just leads me to a blank white page saying 'done' and doesn't post the thread.
you might need to copy your post into another document, and then paste it in 2 separate posts.
Pop Toilet for this one, please:
Can we move the E*ic W*st wikipedia topic into the KENNY CLARKSON forum temporarily as it's been cited in wikipedia discussions and I'd rather it CEASED TO EXIST for a while to AID THE CAUSE
Oh actually that hasn't made any can still get to it from Google

Never mind


All you ER*C W*ST haterz are BUSTED!
Last edited:
14:20, 24 April 2009 (UTC) you are so sad. all of your edits are from the uk the same web site that now made the 300 page topic about getting the eric west wikipedia deleted private because all of you are busted.
Can we move it to the YKW forum? This needs further discussion.

The following users have been blocked as obvious sockpuppets created to influence AFD discussions:

1. Commotion777 (talk · contribs)
2. ItsRTime (talk · contribs)
3. Hollowinsideandout (talk · contribs)
4. Mangie80 (talk · contribs)
5. TheGrooveGuru (talk · contribs)
We really need to try and prevent threads from getting that big, its' a NIGHTMARE to split something like that.
It's got a definite shape to it, with the different single releases, etc. etc. I don't think many people thought she was going to do quite the business that she has.
I'll have a look, it almost needs closing though so people are forced to start a new thread about her when she does something new!
You could make it easy by just splitting it where the chat about the latest single starts. Someone else can go back and deal with the rest if need be.
Alrighty done, shall I lock the old topic for now so it doesn't get bumped again?

Surely it'll be old enough to drop down a fair bit?
It's annoying to have say disussion on Breathe Slow shut if say it becomes a SMASH HIT in the US.


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