Modern words and phrases you don’t understand

I assumed it was a derivative of HONEY which I've heard used mostly in the drag community but they may have taken it from elsewhere
Could it be anything to do with a hen (the bird)?
From the infallible urban dictionary:

henny is like what drag queens say, say it when you want to say "hunty"
Aja-Hey sis!
I’ve never understood HUNTY either. Does it come from the C word?

I mean I understand what it means, I don't understand why anyone uses it.
"Blended working"

As far as I can tell, this means managers coming into the office once a fortnight but the rest of us are office-only or homeworking-only.
Hopefully not. And hopefully people will stop using it. Just call it your “other” for God’s sake. Or SLIT. Or GASH. ANYTHING!

Anyway I must dash. Fat Ali’s on his way over to RUIN MY BUSSY :disco:
Your DARLING FANCY! Or your moo at least

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