Moopy Server Change - DONE - Update your bookmarks! (1 Viewer)


Hooligan high on poppers
Apr 25, 2020
Chromatica Return Flight
Hey Everyone.

Following the upgrades earlier in the year, Moopy is hammering its way through server space with everyone posting pictures and GIFs with GAY ABANDON.

real housewives drinking GIF by RealityTVGIFs

So, to ensure that we don't run out of space and kill Moopy, we're moving to a host that gives us unlimited space! Not much will change on the face of things, but this will allow me to remove compression on pictures that are uploaded, and enable video and audio uploads too!

This will involve a small amount of downtime. I already have the new server set up, so it is just a case of syncing the new server with the old. When I have some free time and Moopy is quiet, I will lock the old server, sync everything up, and open the new one. This will take about an hour, where you will have to find other means of entertaining yourself! I will post in here when I have a more solid idea of when I'm closing the site.

We will also be moving to the URL at the same time. The old URL will still work, but if for whatever reason your browser can't find Moopy, this will be the new homepage:

To anyone who uses the phone app for Moopy, I have been unable to test if it will work smoothly after the transfer. I think it will be fine, but if not, uninstall it and visit in your browser to redownload the app after the server transfer.

Blessings, etc.

🦒 X
Now is this AM after 12.01 or later early morning? I am going out on Saturday night and need to make a mental note to myself not to smash all my devices when I can’t come on and regale you all with my yawn inducing tales of my night on the tiles at 2am.
Now is this AM after 12.01 or later early morning? I am going out on Saturday night and need to make a mental note to myself not to smash all my devices when I can’t come on and regale you all with my yawn inducing tales of my night on the tiles at 2am.
Later, once I've woken up and have read your embarrassing stories from the night before
Later, once I've woken up and have read your embarrassing stories from the night before

It’s quite ambitious thinking that I would have been on here trying to put the World to rights but it certainly wouldn’t be the first time I have had to check my activity to piece a night together again. :D
After being able to give it a quick test, if you are using the app, delete it, restart your phone, then install it again.

Although just noticed that I'm also getting notifications twice as Iguana said!
If you are having issues with passwords, your browser may still have it saved:

In Chrome, go to settings and look it up here:


And in Firefox, it is here:

Everytime I go to the homepage it logs me out and then gives me this when I try to log in. So I can really only visit this topic :D


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