Moopyvision 2021 FINAL RESULTS (1 Viewer)


Feb 3, 2006

This is your 2.5 hour warning everyone! 40 posters have had their say on this year's pick of the Eurovision crop. So we can finally find out if Moopy feels some Adrenalina? Will Maneskin have a double success? Who will win the battle between the Raven Queen and the Queeeeen of the night?

Tune in from 15:30 this afternoon to see how this scoreboard evolves...

Any predictions while we get all the finishing touches sorted?
I imagine the top three will be Ukraine, Cyprus and San Marino.
It's 15:30 so time to start the final results!

After Efendi's nail-biting victory last year we were due to be hosted in Baku's glorious Crystal Hall. However that's currently closed for structural inspections due to concerns over the speed at which it was erected, so we're coming to you from the Crystal Dome instead:


You know the entrants, you know the voters, you've seen the scoreboard; all that's left to say is LET THE MOOPYVISION 2021 RESULTS BEGIN!

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