Nintendo Direct 17/2/21 - 10pm GMT (1 Viewer)

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Tonight Nintendo are doing their first proper Direct presentation since September 2019, so why not watch it LIVE on Moopy :o

Premiere link:

I actually have no idea how much interest there'll be for this, but I for one always like seeing trailers for new stuff and there are usually at least a few nice surprises in these Direct shows.
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It would be great to get a big first-party announcement but I'm struggling to see what they could bring out besides F-Zero/Starfox that could be unexpected.

Obviously a new IP would be incredibly welcome but I don't think they will do that four years into the Switch's life cycle.
Is that Platinum "superhero" project Nintendo-exclusive or multiplatform? They may show that!
I just want all the Zeldas to be available to play on Switch! Skyward Sword in particular as I've never played it but definitely Wind Waker and Twilight.
I'd take Ocarina and Majora too although I'd be unlikely to actually PLAY them :D

I guess if they don't announce them today we may not get them for another FIVE YEARS/never? :D
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I'm going more on the realistic side and expecting Diddy Kong Racing 2, Wave Race 4 and Rare Replay. In other words, I want my childhood regurgitated in HD. Thanks Nintendo!
I just want all the Zeldas to be available to play on Switch! Skyward Sword in particular as I've never played it but definitely Wind Waker and Twilight.
I'd take Ocarina and Majora too although I'd be unlikely to actually PLAY them :D

I guess if they don't announce them today we may not get them for another FIVE YEARS/never? :D

Why would you not play Ocarina or Majora? They hold up extremely well! And frankly they are better than Skyward Sword, which had some great ideas buried in a WAGGLE WAGGLE game with some BIZARRE choices like FORCED LINEARITY or having to battle the same tiresome enemy FOUR times throughout the game.
Oh well I've SPOILT it for you :(

It's not as SHIT as the DS games which I consider the NADIR of the series so there's that!
I'd imagine, realistically, Skyward Sword will get a separate full price release, similar to what they did with Mario 3d World.
Majora's Mask is my favourite, but I've read that the guy who created it doesn't love it as much so I don't hold out much hope for a remaster.

It's so deliciously FUCKED UP though :disco:

*Malon contemplates impending death in the cowshed*
Oh I hated the DS games. I can't remember WHY exactly now as that information is lost down the hazy back of the sofa of my mind - but I think the dungeons were really unfair/frustrating/TIMED?
I didn't finish it but I liked what I played of it! By the time the 3DS came around they'd mostly got the obsession with stylus nonsense out of the way - so many earlier DS games were absolutely PLAGUED with it :( (side-eyeing Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow HARD here)
How about a hot Switch remaster of The Minish Cap? :disco:

That's the only proper Zelda game I've ever owned :D

I've been meaning to get round to the open world one for years though...
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I liked The Minish Cap but it was made by Flagship, not EAD, and it shows in places. Also, only 4 main dungeons and not particularly INTRICATE.
I didn't finish it but I liked what I played of it! By the time the 3DS came around they'd mostly got the obsession with stylus nonsense out of the way - so many earlier DS games were absolutely PLAGUED with it :( (side-eyeing Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow HARD here)

I don't mind the fact that Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks are stylus-led - it's less problematic and it's better-implemented than the waggle in Skyward Sword imo.

My main issue with Phantom Hourglass is that TERRIBLE MAIN DUNGEON that you are meant to come back to throughout the game. It was SHIT, QUITE DIFFICULT and completely at odds with the pace and challenge of the rest of the game. It felt like they had shoehorned some Mystery Dungeon game into Zelda with an ADDED timer and some IFFY, PUNISHING STEALTH sections, especially since you couldn't control Link directly and all you were doing is clicking around with the stylus. And it's not just a small section, the whole dungeon is designed like that!
It's a pity the Switch doesn't really do voice chat as a pre-Direct moopy multiplayer could have been quite the excite.
I’m getting PTSD about BLOWING INTO THE DS to play a ludicrously intricate tune on Spirit Tracks!

The DS games were TRASH.
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If it doesn't have an X after it, I'm just not interested in this series right now.
At least the cast of Emerdale seem to be getting work with the old voice acting.
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I thought Pyra was going to turn around and pull a Sister Sister there.

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