May isn't evil, she's just useless
like, can you give an example of her being evil? I can't reallly
Almost always voted against the hunting ban
Voted against allowing terminally ill people to be given assistance to end their life
Consistently voted for the Iraq war
Generally voted against a right to remain for EU nationals already in living in the UK
Generally voted for reducing housing benefit for social tenants deemed to have excess bedrooms (which Labour describe as the "bedroom tax")
Consistently voted against raising welfare benefits at least in line with prices
Generally voted against paying higher benefits over longer periods for those unable to work due to illness or disability
Generally voted for a reduction in spending on welfare benefits (
nb - this is misleading - she either votes for this or was absent)
Generally voted for increasing the rate of VAT
Generally voted against increasing the tax rate applied to income over £150,000 (
nb - again, this is misleading - she either votes against this or was absent)
Generally voted against a banker’s bonus tax (
nb - again, she either voted against this or was absent)
Almost always voted for more restrictive regulation of trade union activity (
8 votes for, 0 against, 4 absences)
Voted for raising England’s undergraduate tuition fee cap to £9,000 per year
Consistently voted for a veto for MPs from England, Wales and Northern Ireland over laws specifically impacting their part of the UK (
but not for Scotland!)
Generally voted for a stricter asylum system (
12 for, 0 against, 16 absences)
Consistently voted for stronger enforcement of immigration rules
Consistently voted for mass surveillance of people’s communications and activities
Generally voted against measures to prevent climate change
Consistently voted for selling England’s state owned forests
Generally voted against greater regulation of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) to extract shale gas
Generally voted for culling badgers to tackle bovine tuberculosis
Generally voted against Labour's anti-terrorism laws
Generally voted for the privatisation of Royal Mail
Generally voted for restricting the scope of legal aid
What a CUNT.