Paper Mario: Origami King (Switch) (1 Viewer)


愛してるって 言わなきゃ殺す
Feb 5, 2004
Osaka, Land of Fire
Did anyone else play this? I’m chugging through it at the moment.

its pretty straightforward, sort of addictive, but there’s a LOT of unnecessary dialogue to scroll through, and the battle system is really quite tiresome, and the boss battles are really getting on my tits.

the sudden uptick in difficulty for the fire vellumental is really annoying, it just keeps doing a full heal. I knew what I should do (from a video) but there was no water move to finish it off :evil:
I've not played this (haven't played Color Splash for Wii U either) but the dialogue is, for me, the best part of the Paper Mario games! The scripts are WITTY and very SELF-DEPRECATING. Are you playing in Japanese? Is it not a bit like that?
I was going to say, the dialogue was the best part!

The gameplay was quite repetitive but it's just so pretty and charming that it carried me along.
Well yes and no, I agree that a lot of the dialog is funny and I have been enjoying it.
But a LOT of it is coming out of Olivia’s mouth, who I’ve found really annoying!

I know this Is probably designed with kids in mind, but it’s like every punchline is explained with about 5 screens of her slowly catching up
I've been playing this recently and am almost finished. It is quite easy and the battle system is a bit annoying, although I like the boss battles quite a bit more than the regular ones. As VoR says, it's quite hard to care about any of that because it's all so charming.
I was going to do a thread a while ago, but unfortunately I did so the same time I got really pissed off with the firebird :D

it IS charming

has anyone played Super 3D Mario world or whatever it’s called, with Bowser’s Fury Road?
I've played the original Wii U one and I really loved it. It is more straightforward and less explorational than Mario Odyssey but I think I enjoyed it more for it. I was also lucky to play a good chunk of it in multiplayer and it is a RIOT. The game is cleverly designed to accommodate for 2-4 players without being too cluttered, yet it never feels simplistic if you're only playing 1p.
I was going to do a thread a while ago, but unfortunately I did so the same time I got really pissed off with the firebird :D

it IS charming

has anyone played Super 3D Mario world or whatever it’s called, with Bowser’s Fury Road?
Yes. The main game is great and one of the best mario experiences available, though not quite as good as odyssey.

Bowser's Fury is great fun, doesn't take too long to finish either, and might be serving as a preview of what's to come for Mario games, which I wouldn't be mad about.
I think it’s a matter of time before I get it, I’m always going to be a retro gamer I guess
Great game but I still wish the series would return to its N64/GameCube roots
Well, it’s over

it is sort of addictive, I had fun. A bit of a weird story tonally, the villain’s motivation, the ending.

I thought I might go back and 100% it but I did a bit and thought meh

decided to try Mario Odyssey again because I didn’t finish it

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