Paul Danan DEAD (1 Viewer)

Used to fancy him rotten BITD

RIP Paul x

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Vapes are harmful too then? I’m assuming they are nowhere near as bad as cigarettes?
Vapes are harmful too then? I’m assuming they are nowhere near as bad as cigarettes?

They’re lower harm than cigs sure but constantly inhaling something other than oxygen pushes your lungs past what they are supposed to do. Occasional use is fine but chuffing away on vapour like its air is bound to fuck you up
Vapes are harmful too then? I’m assuming they are nowhere near as bad as cigarettes?
Generally not but people who vape probably do so a lot more often than they would smoke tobacco. I’ve seen kids on public transport vaping away at an insanely fast pace.

Anyway, what has this got to do with Paul Danan?
I was watching a guy at a busstop the other day taking deep hard inhales from his vape one after another, I thought it must be because the bus was coming but it wasnt, he just kept going. Insanity.
How do people not know that vapes are bad for you?

Long term they do more damage - research shows your lungs are more likely to recover from nicotine damage than vape damage because tar you can expel - you can’t get rid of vape build up that crystalises if you have used regularly for years

Vapes were designed to help people ween off cigs. How it’s quietly turned into a multi billion industry for kids under the radar of government is fascinating and scary!
I once saw what looked like an 11 year old girl vaping by holding some kind of purple box with a plastic straw, and it looked like a Ribena carton!
One of the issues with vaping to stop smoking is that with a cigarette, you smoke it down so you know when it’s done. With a vape, people tend to just suck on them all day.

We get so may young people at the hospital now with scarred lungs from constant vaping and lungs really don’t “heal up” so once damage is done you just have to deal with it.
I can’t say I pay much attention to them. I know a lot of people who smoke them but I have never looked in to them in much detail. My kids hate smoking in any form which I am pleased with even though I smoke. They are both fitness fanatics so I am glad they haven’t went down the vape or smoking routes.
What’s the difference between vaping and smoking Shisha? Those bars/restaurants are all the rage with a lot of young adults. I don’t really get the appeal.
What’s the difference between vaping and smoking Shisha? Those bars/restaurants are all the rage with a lot of young adults. I don’t really get the appeal.

Would it not be the fact that they are going in to the bar for a short time rather than at it all day everyday?
99% sure vaping didn't kill him. It's incredibly rare.

He was apparently due in court today on drugs charges.
How do people not know that vapes are bad for you?

Long term they do more damage - research shows your lungs are more likely to recover from nicotine damage than vape damage because tar you can expel - you can’t get rid of vape build up that crystalises if you have used regularly for years

Vapes were designed to help people ween off cigs. How it’s quietly turned into a multi billion industry for kids under the radar of government is fascinating and scary!
I'm glad somebody else is saying this now. My asthma nurse told me in no uncertain terms not to switch to vape years ago but whenever I tell anybody vapes can be bad for the health they don't believe me!

Vaping ex-smokers are a million times more condescending and sanctimonious than plain old ex-smokers.
How do people not know that vapes are bad for you?

Long term they do more damage - research shows your lungs are more likely to recover from nicotine damage than vape damage because tar you can expel - you can’t get rid of vape build up that crystalises if you have used regularly for years

Vapes were designed to help people ween off cigs. How it’s quietly turned into a multi billion industry for kids under the radar of government is fascinating and scary!
I think there's as much 'don't care' as 'don't know'. And a massive amount of 'well it's better than smoking' when this is accepted as fact and completely uninformed.

People know the dangers of tobacco because there have been decades of research telling us of them. I find it bonkers that some people are just happy to inhale any old shit into their lungs. What we know about vaping is essentially all new and still being discovered. Perhaps I could get my head around it, if it was a short term intervention to stop smoking tobacco (although I'm not even certain of that), but as a long term lifestyle? Madness.

Factor in the nature of how people vape, like @Joseph states, and the fact that it's been squarely aimed to appeal to children (many of whom would probably never have actually smoked tobacco instead), and I can't help but feel it's potentially very scary indeed in terms of the health problems that will be manifesting over the next years, for potentially decades to come.
As a vaper, I think the targeting of kids is fucking shit. It makes me sad to know the kids I teach pick up a throwaway vape along with their American sweets at the local money laundering store.

I'm fully aware the research is incomplete as it's still so new, ergo I know there's still risk. Really it's just keeping me off fags (which fails sometimes when I'm pissed). It's cheaper, quicker, cleaner, tidier and doesn't smell rotten, plus I use a very low nicotine. I feel like a prick vaping sometimes, but I don't see it changing soon. Leave me to my vice.

What’s the difference between vaping and smoking Shisha? Those bars/restaurants are all the rage with a lot of young adults. I don’t really get the appeal.

The main difference is people aren't sucking on Shisha all day long. Most people treat it like they would a drink on a night out, it's something they do casually and socially.

There's nothing casual and social about the way vapes are being used. Other than the endless conversations from the YOUTH about what flavours are the best this week

I had to put someone on disciplinary (I mean I didn't, I just told HR I did because YAWN) because one of my team was found to be VAPING during meetings including with external clients and agencies :D

As a vaper, I think the targeting of kids is fucking shit. It makes me sad to know the kids I teach pick up a throwaway vape along with their American sweets at the local money laundering store.

I'm fully aware the research is incomplete as it's still so new, ergo I know there's still risk. Really it's just keeping me off fags (which fails sometimes when I'm pissed). It's cheaper, quicker, cleaner, tidier and doesn't smell rotten, plus I use a very low nicotine. I feel like a prick vaping sometimes, but I don't see it changing soon. Leave me to my vice.


I'm with this guy.


Although if the Labour "vaping tax" still goes through next year, i'll probably give it up. There's no fun if it's just expensive.

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